I feel like I'm asking somebody out on a date!

"When it comes to sleeping, whatever your baby does is normal. If one thing has damaged parents enjoyment of their babies, it's rigid expectations about how and when the baby should sleep." ~ James McKenna, Ph.D., Mother Baby Behavioral Sleep Center, University of Notre Dame

Re: Playdates: am I the only weirdo who gets nervous calling other moms?
I seriously can't. I'm very shy anyway but I cannot call someone. Basically we play with the kids and moms on our local nest board because I hate using the phone in general. lol!
Your'e not alone.
This is why I wish we all lived closer...I could totally call one of my SAIF ladies...other moms? Notsomuch...
ummm, is it horrible that i still haven't done it
i know it's different, because i have twins, but i really do want them to socialize..and we have made a few friends in my gym class, and i know they are gonna be going to their first birthday party in march for one of their classmates..
i feel terrible about this, but one day at free play i met a mom who had twin boys about ronnie and joey's age...they weren't there, she was there with her older daughter..and we talked a bunch, and she said we should set up a playdate, and i was all about it...so she gave me her #, and i never called
i was too nervous..she seemed a little more well to do than us, and im anxious hanging out with new people anyway...but i felt like she was totally out of my league, haha
honestly, if she gave me her email, i might have done it, or if i had thought enough to give her my info, i would have gladly set something up had she called me..but im so awkward in those situations, and then i probably made her feel bad in the process
Joey, Ronnie, and Audrey,
my awesome IUI 30 week twins, and my surprise miracle
LOVE my SAIF ladies
TTC #1: IUI #2 = BFP , Betas 550 (16 dpiui), 1523 (18 dpiui)
Hypothyroid, LPD, FSH 13.0, TTC 2 yrs B4 BFP
TTC #2: FSH 23, AMA, IUI 1, 2, 3 = BFN, IVF #1 = MC
IVF #2 = BFP - Betas 194 (14dp2dt), 366 (16 dp2dt), 841 (18 dp2dt)
(vanished twin ~7 weeks)