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does anyone buy beef by the side?

What do you pay per pound? Have you been pleased by doing it this way? We usually replace our "beef" with venison but..... it has been a rough um, DH did not get anything this year. We are considering buying a 1/4 side of beef. Any experience?

Re: does anyone buy beef by the side?

  • This is kind of unrelated but we just split a pig with BIL and DH's cousin.  It was about $2/lb and so worth it!  In addition to the great price, it is organic & grass-fed and has forced me to come up with new meal ideas and we're enjoying trying new things.  We've already decided that we will just split it in half next time (we got 1/4 this time) because it's been such a good buy.

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  • Good to know! I am pricing right now, and calling around! Thanks!
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  • I am actually about to place my first order with a grass fed beef farmer in TN.  He sells 10 lbs for 70 dollars, assorted cuts.

    After watching Oprah's show about veganism and how meat is butchered, I'm switching to local.  I was already leaning towards it, and that sort of cemented it.  My husbad used to work for a scale company, and he did lots of work at cattle feed lots.  He's ALL for us switching to grass fed beef.  The stories he told...ick...


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