I love the location of our townhouse. DH has an easy-peasy commute to work. I like our neighborhood. Our townhouse is nice enough. . . but I'm getting tired of our landlord/maintenance man situation.
I called last Wednesday because we had a leak in our roof. (Bit of backstory, in early August, we had a huge storm come through. DH was certain that we lost a few shingles from the roof. We were told that was not the case, even though nobody actually got on the roof to check. Hmmm, given the current leak, maybe we did lose a shingle or two. . . ) It has been six days, no call back. Thankfully, the roof has not leaked again.
During that call, six days ago, I also mentioned that when it rains, or the snow melts from the roof, the gutter leaks onto our back steps. So, either we get dripped on going in and out the back door (which we use about 50% of the time) or, when it is below 32*, it freezes and it is a total accident waiting to happen.
Well, we have another maintenance issue today. Said gutter is now detaching from the roof line, and banging against the side of the house--right next to LO's bedroom window. I wonder how long it will be until they call us back. . .
We pay, what we think, is a pretty penny in rent. I would think that the landlord would want to keep his property in decent shape. . . Oh, and the maintenance guy is a nice enough guy, but he is so completely ADHD that his follow through is horrific. We still have a leaky shower head in the guest bathroom from September. (If the knob is turned completely in one direction it does not leak, so we are okay, but still! Come on!!!) He makes "appointments" to come do the work and then four out of five times, he does not show up. I hate to be made to be a nudge, but this is our home and, as a SAHM, I spend A LOT of time here.
I am looking more and more forward to when DH retires from the military and we can buy a home. I know that it is, in theory, nice to call someone else up to fix things when they break, but man, I know that I would be able to do a better job of keeping this place up (not that we would buy this unit).
Thanks for listening to me complain. I know that this is not a major thing, but it seems like there is always something with this townhouse.
ETA: I called the landlord back since it had gotten worse. The maintenance guy should be here within the hour. Fabulous, as the gutter has now fallen off of the second story roof line. At least LO can now sleep in peace and quiet. Now, let's see what time the dude shows up. . . Good thing that I didn't have plans to leave the house. Oye.
Here is a picture before it fell off:
Re: Renting vent **Update** Our gutter just fell off and a PIP
Joey, Ronnie, and Audrey,
my awesome IUI 30 week twins, and my surprise miracle
LOVE my SAIF ladies
My last landlord, in Nashville, drove me crazy because he would show up unannounced, or call from the driveway. Once I got him to understand that he needed to call me in advance, we were good. . . . And I am really missing how responsive he was. Our current landlord is a company, but one guy owns the company. I've met him, he's an a$$. He is dismissive and condescending--a great combination, let me tell you. Uff.
Well, I am, going downstairs to see how bad it has gotten. . .