I live in NY and I think the sun has shown once or twice over the last 6 days. I'm feeling so run down and B finally started sleeping through the night, so it's not a lack of sleep. And we aren't cycling for IVF until April so I can't blame it on being pumped full of hormones:) My usual tactic was to take a vacation to somewhere warmer (and sunnier). But we can't financally do that this year and with B being so young I don't want to try vacationing somewhere yet. I work full time and by the time I get home, get dinner together and spend time with B b/f she goes to bed, I'm exhausted. I've been so tired I've stopped going to the gym, which isn't good I know. But I can't motivate myself to do much. Last night I was in bed at 8:30. It's bad, even on the weekends I'll just nap when B naps instead of doing something else I need to do. I can't live all of February and some of March like this, and the future forecast: Snow, cold and more cold! Suggestions? What has worked for you? I wish I didn't have so much family in NY, I'd move!
TTC since 6/2003. m/c 9/14/03 8 weeks, 5 chemical pregnancies, mmc 6/04 12 weeks, Michael born sleeping 5/25/05 at 22weeks always our angel, fought ovarian cancer and won, m/c 4/06 5.2 weeks and 7/07 6.6 weeks,Our Miracle baby girl born 4/8/10,mc 12/18/11 at 5.3 weeks, BFP 10/26/12 dating u/s on 11/8/12 showing a strong heartbeat!EDD July 4,2013. RCS on 6/27. Baby boy in NICU for 8 long and scary days before he was able to come home. We are now a happy family of 4
Re: Anyone else have winter blues?
I hear you loud and clear. It's always overcast here and in the 40's. No snow on the ground, just blah weather. ( we live south of seattle )
I finally went and got prescribed 50,000 vitamin D to help out. I also rejoined a gym because my endorphins are no where to be found.
Every winter. I hate it. We're from Michigan, so we have similar winters as you guys!
And, this winter is much worse because now I have been put on bedrest. I am going insane and it has only been a week. I also think that has been one of those "snowy" winters and I feel like there is much more snow than usual. Although today it is sunny out
I don't have many suggestions
We don't have that many "fun" indoor places to go with the kids and DS2 is still taking 2 naps a day, so that kind of messes up the day. DS1 goes to school 3 days a week, so between the 2 of them and their schedules, there isn't much time to do other things.
Plus, I was working 3 days a week. Now, we are really all stuck at home
Not to mention that my classroom has NO windows......that was the worst.
I am counting every second down until the weather gets warmer.
I go through this every winter, yet I grew up here so I know what it is like. I am like you: if we didn't have all of our family here, we would move.
I just try to remind myself that this too shall pas
Maybe planning things to do as a family on weekends will help break up the week for you?
After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
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