I have been MIA pretty much since 8 mos. or a year after my DS was born.
So, you might ask: "Why post now??" Well, I missed AF this month (was due Saturday), and had my annual visit with my OB yesterday, so we thought, what the heck - let's run an HCG level on that blood we're drawing today. I got the news this morning, that it came back in positive territory! I'm rather in shock. BUT...(not so fast), my HCG level is at a lowly 16 - so we're talking WAYYYY early here. I mean...I know exactly when it happened - Jan. 21st - so...I have no idea whether this will become legit. I DO know I have POAS twice, with 2 BFN's. I had a little streaky discharge Thursday of last week - but other than that, no signs of AF (sorry if TMI). I'm also convinced that last month also, my body tried to make things happen, b/c I was a week late, and then had an unusually long/heavy AF. I am normally like clockwork on 28 days.
Give me some positive vibes, here ladies...I am mostly concerned about another ectopic, obviously - but I would be so grateful and ecstatic for #2 to have come about all on his/her own, without us having to go see our specialists again.
TIA for your input.
PS: I am also NOT telling anyone outside these boards, b/c my sister's getting married in April - and I truly want her wedding experience to be 100% about her. So mum's the word. You gals are the only people who I can talk to. :]
Re: Hello again, long time no see!