Success after IF


Shouldn't you be off having a baby? I think it's almost time to camp out at your doctor's office until they agree to send you over for an induction! Are you still delivering at HRH? If so, they do have Internet access now... Can't wait to hear about your baby girl. How soon are you moving?

Re: ~LisaMarisa~

  • I will be delivering at HRH and I hear all of the remodeling is really nice.  Hooray for internet!!  That just made my day!  DH will be very excited that he can bring his ipad.

    No baby yet.  I honestly cant believe I am still pregnant, I never thought I would make it to 40 weeks (which will be Friday).  Hopefully when I go in on Thursday I will be 5cm and my OB will induce me like he did with DS.  We'll see.

     We move the first week in April so just under 8 weeks I think.  That means this baby better come soon so I have time to recover!  We were also hoping to go down to the shore next weekend for the Polar Plunge in Sea Isle but the longer she waits, the less likely we'll be able to go. 

    She does have to come out eventually, right??


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