Since I am new to SAIF GTGs, I was jw how it worked with photos & FB. Many of our IRL friends/co-workers don't know about our IF struggle to conceive (really, none of them) & my DH would like to keep it that way b/c he is very private (we had an MFI Dx). That is the main reason I don't have my info in my siggy, JIC someone I know IRL happens across me on TB. Anyways, my Q is - when we have the GTG, how do we handle tagging people/naming albums for those of us that want to preserve our privacy with regards to IF?
Re: Q about SAIF GTGs
I don't think it would be a problem for you to ask people not to tag you or to remove tags if they inadvertently did...
You could also show up at the GTGs in a groucho marx esque glasses/nose/mustache combo.
OMG - so funny
You can alwasy say that SAIF = Sassy Adventurous Igloo Finders - LOL
But, seriously - I would just ask everyone that takes pics to either not tag you, of just ask them to not name it anything "obvious"
When I went to the IF GTG in chicago (2008!!!) I think the albums were things like "Girls Weekend"
My Blog
LOL, thanks KME! Okay, yeah I was jw - thanks ladies!