Geez you sneeze a few times and you're Typhoid Mary. He comes upstairs to say goodnight (after watching the Superbowl) and says "I may call in sick tomorrow, I'm supposed to work tomorrow and Tuesday, but off the rest of the week (wed thru Sunday). But I don't know I may not go in tomorrow, I've been sneezing".
Suck it up and go to work- it's just for 2 days and you're off the rest of the week.. It's just a little cold. be a man! Pop some meds. Geez, I'm 30 weeks pg and have been fighting a cold for 2 weeks. I'd love to be able to take anything I want for this cold, but have limited choices.
what a wuss.
Re: DH is a sissy
Word I could have written this. My DH went out to Target pharmacy to get cold meds because tylenol would not do, and spent 60.00 on whothehellknowswhat for his "sickness"
What a baby... Suck it up Sally.