Success after IF

Hysterectomy tonight

I have to say goodbye to my baby boy tonight. The Docs think waiting until tomorrow is too risky because I'm bleeding now. Can anyone help me with NILMDTS?
Momma to 2 sweet girls here on earth and a precious baby boy in heaven

Re: Hysterectomy tonight

  • Praying so hard for you and your little boy.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • I am so incredibly sorry about this.  My thoughts are with you as you endure this awful pain.  I hope you are able to get ahold of NILMDTS, the pictures I have of my son are my most cherished posessions.  I'm crying for and with you tonight.
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  • Saying so many prayers, and have been thinking about you a ton.

    Dx: PCOS, Anovulation, RPL
    Born via emergency c/s February 9, 2008 - 9lbs, 3 oz!!!!

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

    TTC# 2 since February 2010 - BFP #1 Sept 2010-(5mg Femara, 1500mg Met, Ovridel) Missed M/C at 10w2d, discovered at 13w2d, D&C at 14w

    BFP # 2 - February 2011-(1500mg Met, HCG Injection) Missed M/C at 10w1d, discovered at 10w3d, D&C at 11w...RPL testing came back all normal.

    Trying again. June 2011 - Clomid/1500 mg Met / Baby Aspirin - BFFN!

    July 2011 Femara/1500mg Met/ Baby Aspirin - c/p

    August 2011 - Femara/1500mg Met/ Baby Aspirin - c/p

    September 2011 - Puregon/ 1500mg Met/ Baby Aspirin - BFFN!!!!

  • I'm so sorry!  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    TTC #2 with PCOS since September 2009
    BFP, Femara 7.5mg, Ovidrel, IUI. Beta #1 17dpIUI -495 Beta #2 19dpIUI-1031
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    My Blog
  • I am so sorry. There is nothing I can say to ease this for you.

    "Can anyone help me with NILMDTS?" Working on it now. 


  • I just caught up on all of your tragic posts from today. I am so sorry for the sadness you are enduring right now. Sending all my love.
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I am so, so sorry. There are no words. I am praying for you guys (and have been all night and day).


    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickersLilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I am truly soo sorry. I am praying for you and your family..
  • I don't have experience with NILMDTS but I looked on there website and saw this (sorry not clicky) you click continue to put in your zip code and find someone.  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    TTC #2 with PCOS since September 2009
    BFP, Femara 7.5mg, Ovidrel, IUI. Beta #1 17dpIUI -495 Beta #2 19dpIUI-1031
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    My Blog
  • Words can't even begin to describe how sorry I am.  Thinking of you, your sweet boy, and your family.
    My Favorite Books image
    Books read in 2012: 58!
  • What hospital are you in? You can PM, or FB me.
  • I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss- praying so hard for you and your little boy...hugs...
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Oh my God!  I can't believe this!  Life is so unfair and I am so sorry you and your family have to go through this.  I wish there was some way to cause a niracle to happen.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    After 21 cycles, and severe MFI, we finally did it with IVF #1 w/ICSI! Nico arrived 12/3/08!!!
    TTC for #2: IVF w/ICSI #2-4/17/10-BFN; IVF w/ICSI #3; 7/4/10-BFP!!! Beta #1- 96; Beta #2-528; Beta #3- 7371; 6w,5d-blited ovum=D&C :(
    IUI #2 1/10/11-BFN; IUI #3 2/18/11-BFN
    IVF #4 w/ICSI & PICSI ER 5/13/11, ET 5/1/118-BFP!! Natalee arrived on 1/23/12!!!!

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    Pregnancy Blog: Miracles Can Happen
    Parenthood Blog: The Adventures of Nico & Natalee
  • I'm so incredibly sorry. Keeping you and your little boy in my thoughts and prayers. This is not fair.
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  • My heart is breaking for you and your family.

    Huge hugs and we hope to hear from you as soon as you feel up to posting after your procedure.


    Our IF journey: 1 m/c, 1 IVF with only 3 eggs retrieved yielding Dylan and a lost twin, 1 shocker unmedicated BFP resulting in Jace, 3 more unmedicated pregnancies ending in more losses.
    Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
  • I am so very sorry.

    NILMDTS is a beautiful service for a horrible time. You can find a list of photographers in your area on their website.

    Sending you love

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Moved to Domestic Adoption 9/09 Matched 10/09 Sweet little Luke was born 12/9/09!
  • Oh sweetie I'm so sorry :(  I'll be praying for you and your little one tonight and hoping for a miracle.  (((hugs)))
    twin girls after 43 months of TTC.. Katherine Emily (5 lbs 12 oz 19 1/4 in) and Karly Elizabeth (5lbs 7 oz 19 in) imageLilypie!!My bio!! !!My Blog!! imageimage


  • I am so sorry for everything you are going through. We are here if you need us. I hope you can update us if you get a chance. Prayers said and you've been on my mind all day.
    Married 8.13.2005, M/C 12/8/06- 5 weeks, M/C 2/27/07- 7 weeks, M/C w/ D&C 8/10/09-6.5 weeks *Charles Lawrence born 5/2/08 @ 3:14am, 7lb 8oz, 20.5 inches. Clomid, Crinone and baby aspirin. *Alexandra Claire born 9/14/10 @ 9:52am 6lb 14oz, 20.5 inches. Femara, Crinone and baby aspirin. Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I am so sorry. I am praying for you.
    Kimberly, DH Monte, Angel baby 10/06, Angel twin 7/07, Rhett Kaden, our IVF miracle, born 3/23/08, Mason Robert & Wyatt David, our FET miracles, born 8/2/09 at 36 weeks, 3 days
    Our Blog

  • I'm so sorry for everything...just everything.  I hope NILMDTS can help -- they're amazing. 

    Thinking of you more than you know. Your little guy is deeply loved and will be horribly missed by all.


    Pregnant with #1 with PCOS and LPD, success with mostly naturopathic treatments
    Our Thanksgiving Day baby 11/22/07


    Pregnant with #2 with LPD, uterine polyp/hysteroscopy, DOR (AMH = 0.17), 2 c/ps
    Our early Christmas present 12/9/10
  • Praying for you and your family.  I'm so sorry. 
    Ella- 8/22/08, Jules and Tuck- 12/15/10
  • I'm so heartbroken for you and your family. I don't even know what to say...I'm sorry. Life is so unfair sometimes. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker TickerPregnancy Ticker
  • I am so very sorry.
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  • I'm so sorry - those words are so inadequate right now.  My heart just hurts for you.  Keeping you and your family in my thoughts.
  • There are no words. My heart is broken for you and your family. So many thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

    For DD - IVF/ICSI #1 - BFP / For DS - dIUI #1 - BFP Dx:severe MFI-Y Chromosome Microdeletion Isabel born 10-15-08! / Baby Boy EDD July 2013 imageLily  pie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • so so sorry - I hope you can find someone in your area for NILMDTS
  • I'm so sorry. Stay strong. ((hugs))
    TTC#1=Feb 2009: 50 mg Clomid+Ovidrel shot+Metformin+Dexamethasone+TI=BFP!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    TTC#2=July 2011: Surprise BFP: Chemical Pregnancy
  • F U C K.


    Join us - Commit Random Acts of Kindness, and say "I did it for Cricket" Cricket's Cadence
  • You've been on my mind all day today.  I'll definitely keep the prayers coming for you tonight.  Again, I'm so very sorry, sweetie.  

  • I am so very sorry...
    Ron and Nora married 6.3.06 21 cycles, 1 m/c, 4 rounds clomid, 1 round gonal f and 3 IUI anovulatory cycles, LPD
    Joey, Ronnie, and Audrey,
    my awesome IUI 30 week twins, and my surprise miracle Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    LOVE my SAIF ladies :)
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    Lilypie 2nd Birthday TickerLilypie Second Birthday tickers My Blog!
  • I don't know what to say.  I am just so sorry for your loss and  I am praying for you.
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  • I am so sorry. I can't imagine your loss and sorrow you must be feeling. Lots of thoughts and prayers for you and your family as you deal with the loss of Quincy.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • So so sorry.
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • So so so sorry.    
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  • I am so sorry : ( I am heartbroken for you
  • Oh honey, I'm crying with you. I'm so sorry!

    Clomid M/C 8 weeks 2/08 *IVF #1-DD born 3/09
    *Surprise BFP-T18 baby lost at 13w 1/10 *FET #1-DS born 2/11
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Many prayers for you and your family.  It is so unfair.  GodSpeed Little one.
  • Oh, dear, no.  I can't believe it has come to this.  I'll be thinking of you...wishing you and your family peace.  HUGS.
    Childhood cancer (DH) + chemo + radiation = 0 sperm.
    LO #1 - 1 unmedicated/self-monitored IUI w/ donor sperm.
    LO #2 - 1 m/c, 2 BFNs, 4th IUI worked (unmedicated/self-monitored with new donor sperm).
    Life is beautiful!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We are all holding you in our hearts tonight...Much love to you and your sweet boy. Many thoughts and prayers.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker TTC since Dec '04 Severe MFI-diagnosed 12/06 3 failed Fresh IVFs FET #1 - BFP!! 2 blasts tx on day 6. Beta #1 8dp6dt = 56, Beta #2 = 600, Beta #3 = 5600 My Blog Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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