Success after IF

dude, I'm drunk.

So if I've responded to you and it doesn't make sense, that's why.

Our superbowl party SUCKED so bad we were home before the end of the first quarter.  so, now I'm home and drinking.  I've got the babysitter coming at 9 am tomorrow!!!!

Re: dude, I'm drunk.

  • lol. cheers!

    Now I'd like you to touch the tip of your nose with your extended index finger please, and say the alphabet backwards.

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  • ok, typing with my finger on my nose is hard.  As for the alphabet... I couldnt' do that sober.

    Love you girl!

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  • I'm jealous!

    Clomid M/C 8 weeks 2/08 *IVF #1-DD born 3/09
    *Surprise BFP-T18 baby lost at 13w 1/10 *FET #1-DS born 2/11
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  • LOL!  We had a last minute party just 3 houses down so we happily joined in.  I'm pretty darn close behind you, and that's after just 2 glasses!  Yowza!  Sorry the party sucked!
    Pregnant with #1 with PCOS and LPD, success with mostly naturopathic treatments
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  • Way to go K!!

    I am still BFing so I limit myself.  Enjoy your night!!

    Health&Fitness Blog imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Our IVF miracles!
  • I had to leave the party because the kids were sooo overtired.  Now I am home and they are sleeping...and DH is still at the party:(

  • I hope you are feeling fine this morning :)  glad you got to blow off a little steam! :) 
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