I know its a personal subject, but I have a hot date tonight...and dammit, I'm lopsided.
Caroline decided about a little over a month ago that she didn't want to nurse from my left breast anymore. Okay, fine...righty has always been the winner (lefty was my milk dud), and so I just let her nurse from the right only.
I can still express milk from the left, but I don't think there is much milk there at all. The right breast is still actively producing milk, but it really just gears up for the one nursing session a day that we still had left ( she nursed for the very last time last night, unless something drastic happens)
So, two questions.
1. Will I be lopsided forever? Or will they eventually even back out?
2. When will the milk dry up? I don't leak, and I don't have any pain, so I'm just curious.
P.S. My mother could express milk from her breasts up until she was about 40 or 45 (she had me at 25, and BF for 6 weeks, then my brother at 29 who was FF). Her OB told her that 'some old cows just never dry up'. I just really don't want to be that old cow, lol.
Re: Can we talk about my boobs? :-)
funny post
1. I am going to be honest. Mine never did even back out. My left is still bigger than my right. BFing for 10 months just kind of messed my boobs up...they are also almost a size smaller then they were before I BF'd.
2. It took me 2 weeks i think for the milk to 'dry up' enough to wear I wasnt in pain etc.
3. Still to this day if I squeeze my tata a little drop of milk comes to the surface!!
Our beautiful son was born July 2008.
2010: 2 IVF's,1 FET = 2 BFN's, 1 c/p
Feb 2011-Unmedicated FET= BFP!! DS #2 born Oct 2011!!.
1.) Like PP, my right is still a little smaller than my left...but I am so much smaller than I was (like closer to an A than a full
, that they are both so small that really no one else would be able to tell.
2.) Not sure on this one. With DS, I got pg like right after I weaned, and never had a fabulous supply anyway, and within a short time I stopped being able to express any. This time, it took about 2 months - I can get a few drops out, but not much more!
Good luck
No way! I had no idea this could happen.