So this could be something or it might not be. It's been going on since last night around 6 but isnt regular or painful enough for me to be convinced and I know it could go on for a while longer (or stop which is kind of what I'm expecting).
That said, I am not hungry at all and maybe even a little sick to my stomach. So do I force myself to eat so that I have energy if I need it later or listen to my body and not eat until I'm hungry?
Re: Eating during early labor
Personally, I would listen to your body. With both of my labors I never felt hungry, even though I hadnt eaten in hours.
Good luck, I hope this is it!!! (Nolan was born at 39w2d...maybe that is the magic number
) )
No advice, but I just wanted to say that I hope this is it! Can't wait to see pictures of your new little girl.
::I'll be board stalking all day/night for news::
I have no idea to eat or not eat (little nibbles of high protein?) but OMG..
I hope this is it, lady!!!!
Oooh...good luck!!!
I had heard from other moms that you can't eat once you get to the hospital so after I realized my water had broken and this was it, my husband went to get me Chick-fil-A. Ha! He was so nervous leaving me alone since I was having regular contractions, but I insisted. And thank God I did because, as predicted, no food once I got to the hospital and nothing to drink once I got the epi. Ice chips are just cruel - like drinking a glass of water one drop at a time. I was SO thankful I ate.
But, I think you should do what feels right. Don't force it if you don't feel like eating.
Thanks ladies, I decided to just listen to my body and I eventually got hungry so I had a little soup.
Unfortunately, I am still either in this early labor stage (for 22 hours?) or this is some kind of cruel joke. Lots of contractions and very uncomfortable but you would think if this was really it, something would have happened by now. I took a walk around the neighborhood with DH and went to the mall with my mom so this definitely isnt because of lack of effort on my part!
I'm like the boy who cried wolf.
Like what? I'm sure this is a dumb question since obviously you've already been through labor once, but you're not waiting for your water to break, are you? I guess I'm not sure what you're waiting on . . . for the contractions to regularize or get more intense, you mean? Just want to make sure you're not waiting when you should be getting to the hospital!
Hope this is it! Good luck!
I'm waiting for them to become regular and more painful. At this point, it is just uncomfortable and annoying not the "You'll know you're in labor" contractions that I'm told to expect.
And I really dont know what to expect because I was induced with DS, was already 6cm but not in active labor so they gave me an epidural before they even broke my water or started pitocin. I never felt a labor pain. But apparently, I will know or so says everyone who has done it. It would be much more convenient if my water would just break though.
If you live close to the hospital it might not hurt to get checked out . . . the second time around I had mildish contractions for many hours and then suddenly they got intense and close together, and I was 5cm when I got to the hospital. You might just have a high pain tolerance! I wish I had gotten there sooner-- took us close to an hour to get to hospital and then the wait for the epidural seemed too long!