I did 8 loads of laundry yesterday, plus putting away the 4 baskets that had taken up residence in our room. I got into a book and didn't get to sleep until almost midnight. DD woke up at 12:15, cold because she kicked all the covers off. Took 10-15 min to get her back down. I lay down, and at 12:40 DS woke up.
He turned on his light and collected his critters to come into my room. I tried to snuggle him in his bed, but he wanted no part of it. He was so kicky that DH went to DS bed. I was left with a kid who tossed and turned all night, giving me little sleep. DS then proceeded to wake me up at 5:45 by peeing in my bed. You know, the one on which I had JUST changed the sheets and mattress pad before we went to bed.
So thankfully I managed to get a shower in before DH left for his business trip at 8:30. He won't be back until late Tuesday. HE gets to sit in a hotel room with beer and watch the Superbowl.
Both kids seem dead set on killing each other. The usual distractions aren't working. It's cold and snowing. I am freakin' exhausted and I want to cry. And AF is here.
Please call the whhhhaaaaaaaaaambulance.
Re: It is one of THOSE days. <sigh>
holy hell woman!
today would be a survivor day for sure. no household goals. with my two getting out flashlights and blakets could keep them entertained. and a movie or two. and no cooking.
or we might just go walk around the mall and then eat there.
and no guilt about any of it whatsoever considering the dh was away for work.
i remember those days.
Dear god woman.
DS pissed in our bed, too. And DD woke up for 3 hours last night. IDK what the hell, but it needs to stop.
I'll split my bag of m&ms with you!