I am the only one that strips my child to her diaper for every meal? I keep seeing pictures of babies and toddlers in their high chairs (at home) eating with their clothes on...and I'm baffled. I strip Caroline to her diaper for every single meal, because she makes a ridiculous mess, and I hate doing laundry.
Am I alone here?? Do your kids not make awful messes and stain their clothes?
Caroline knows she has to take her clothes off...I say "are you ready to get in your highchair?", and she comes over to me and starts taking her own shirt off.
(Obviously we let her keep her clothes on in restaurants )
So, do you strip the clothes or not??
Re: Do you let your LO wear clothes to eat?
TTC#2=July 2011: Surprise BFP: Chemical Pregnancy
TTC #1: IUI #2 = BFP , Betas 550 (16 dpiui), 1523 (18 dpiui)
Hypothyroid, LPD, FSH 13.0, TTC 2 yrs B4 BFP
TTC #2: FSH 23, AMA, IUI 1, 2, 3 = BFN, IVF #1 = MC
IVF #2 = BFP - Betas 194 (14dp2dt), 366 (16 dp2dt), 841 (18 dp2dt)
(vanished twin ~7 weeks)
I have never stripped my kids down. To me, that is way too much work. Not to mention that I don't want them to learn that it is okay to strip when they eat...Lol!
Just use bibs
We never take DD's clothes off before eating... we used to when we were having spaghetti/tomato sauce, but now we just roll up her sleeves and put a bib on her. She doesn't make that big of a mess anymore, and if she does, I just spray the clothes and wash them with the rest of the laundry (we do laundry at least 2X/week anyway)
Same. We use the big-mouth bibs from Walmart. Maybe Henry's just not a messy eater, but he rarely gets anything on himself (and he's now in a booster without a tray, rather than a highchair).
Wow, your husband must let you keep the heat up higher than mine ; ) or it is a LOT warmer in Alabama than I think it is.
I let her wear clothes...BUT, I don't let her eat messy foods. She only gets yogurt that she can drink out of a straw (no spoon fed foods that's asking for it!). She eats a lot of cut up meat and veggies that aren't really messy. Certainly her clothes get messy from time to time (her arms are the worse, we don't use a bib anymore as we don't do/Garrison won't eat the spoon fed foods anymore) but I just deal with it. On occassion I might change her into something else to eat if it is important to me that her other outfit stay clean for something after her meal.
Wow...I guess I'm in the minority, lol.
She hates bibs, and pulls them off every chance she gets...so that makes it difficult.
Lots of mornings, she gets toast with peanut butter or all fruit spread, and that makes a hell of a mess...and yogurt...good grief, that's a mess too.
For supper tonight, she had vegetable soup...and needless to say, that was an incredible mess. She's still not all that good with a fork or spoon, but she's learning. I think we are going to stick with our strip down routine for now
ETA: It is pretty warm in my house...I keep it at 72 or 73 in the winter. We never wear socks (Caroline does, when she will leave them on), and today I'm in short sleeves and thin yoga pants...so it is never cold enough in my house for her to be bothered by being in a diaper for the 30 minutes it takes her to eat.
They arrived at 36 weeks after PTL and bedrest for 14 weeks.
Nope. Clothes stay on. On spaghetti days we put one of the Bumkins poncho bibs on him. It covers his shoulders and goes on like a smock. Otherwise we use the standard bumkins bibs. They're AWESOME, and that pocket has been a great way to catch toddler drippings
Although I will say that I hesitated to give G a spoon to feed himself for a VERY, VERY long time. But even when I def him, he was still clothed.
Photo by Zemya Photography
Ditto this. We have some great bibs/smocks from Ikea that have long sleeves. Elizabeth still makes a mess with things like yogurt and applesauce, so we still use them. But they're also great for finger painting and other crafts.
We've never had to take Megan's clothes off. We're lucky if she eats anything, we certainly don't need to worry about her making a mess of it. She'd probably freeze to death if we undressed her and had to wait for her to eat a decent meal.
She dropped a little bit of taco meat on her sleeve the other day, but we could just as easily drop taco meat onto ourselves. KWIM? She eats breakfast in her jammies and then they go in the hamper. Breakfast is probably her messiest meal with eating cereals with milk in it.
Besides, she doesn't like to be dirty. If she's eating with a spoon and gets something on her fingers she looks at it and holds her finger out for us to wipe it off.
I always think it's funny when I see all these naked babies at the table!
Megan Hope 2yrs 3months