Success after IF

How much water is ok?

DS isn't very interested in solids yet (much to my sadness...i was so pumped about BLW but DH had a near panick attack that DS was going to choke when he was gagging one time, so i agreed to back it is.  anyways...DS barely tolerates purees..he just isn't interested.  he will eat a little bit...more if its yogurt (or puree mixed with yogurt...carrot yogurt anyone?) 

but what really gets him excited is his sippy of water...the little guy will chug several ounces as a sitting and gets upset if you give him more than a couple spoonfuls without giving his sippy back. 

Is this normal?  Babies would rather drink than eat? 

and how much water is too much?  I usually try to limit him to a few ounces with each meal...but i think he would drain the whole cup if i let him. 

Am i being weird? 

Re: How much water is ok?

  • Your little guy sounds a lot like mine. He just did not like purees, except for peas??? I hat do mix everything with peas in the beginning and solids it took a while for him to get going on, but give him a cup of water or milk and he would suck that thing down like no ones business. The problem, he fills up so much on water and milk, he will not eat.

    My pedi told me to limit him to 1-2 ounces of water a day. More if it is hot out, but that day is not coming any time soon!  I give him it only after he eats half of what he is eating, let him take a few sips then take it away until he eats more.

    A lot of years and a million tears finally led me to you.
    After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
    My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
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  • After 6mo, I never limited it at all. Eliza loves water and drinks it all day long, but she has also been a good eater. In your case, you might want to limit it a little so he isn't filling up on water instead of solids. I wouldn't stress though, he will get it in time!
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  • This really doesn't answer your question because I don't know how much is ok but...

    We have had problems with Ethan eating solids from the get-go. It didn't help that he got C diff around 6.5 mos, right after we started solids, so we were stalled a month or more while that cleared up (didn't want to give him new foods when he had terrible diarrhea every day).

    He too loves to drink his water. Most of it gets dribbled down his chin, so we aren't really so concerned about the quantity. However, if you give him a cup before or during a meal, the meal doesn't get eaten. We've started only giving him his cup at the end of his meal either when he's completely done or when he's just fiddling around. If he doesn't see the cup, he doesn't miss it, KWIM?

    I wish I could just wave a magic wand and make solid feeding easier. It's really a PITA.

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  • I'd limit the water.  We are starting BLW and I will tell you that choking is so normal even when kiddos start table food.  we had it more than once.

    They can have too much water, plus he might be filling up on that and not hungry.  My 2 yo sometimes does that.  He wants juice and then drinks milk or water and won't eat what is on his plate for dinner.

  • imageJGirl2005:

    We are starting BLW and I will tell you that choking is so normal even when kiddos start table food.  we had it more than once.

      I know :(  but DH is seriously so paranoid about it..always has been..from his first days home, every little cough would send DH sitting straight up in bed asking if he was choking.  Not sure why he's so nervous about it, but I figure he's half the parenting team and if it scares him that badly, who am i to push my own agenda...  We are taking an infant CPR course soon, so I think he will feel more comfortable then. 
  • Actually more than a couple of ounces can throw off their electrolyte balance, so I'd limit it still.
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