Success after IF

How do you feel about this?

What do you think about siblings names starting with the same letter?? 

Just as a for instance...completely hypothetical of course...if you knew someone who had a child, just for example, whose name was Caroline...and then they had a little boy named Connor?

Would that be too matchy-matchy and tacky?  Or would that be perfectly fine and a great name name for a hypothetical sibling?

Honesty, please...



Re: How do you feel about this?

  • It's not my style, but I don't think it's completely tacky. The more kids, the less I like it. So, 2 kids with alliterative names, no biggy, 4, I start to laugh a bit. Or if the parents' names start that way (I know of a couple whose names both start with J as does their son's name and it just sounds ridiculous to say their family's name out loud).

    DH and my names start with the same consonant sound (but not letter) and we immediately nixed all names that started with that sound for any children.

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  • I like it.  We are considering naming all of our kids with names starting with G.
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  • I don't think anything of it... unless the names are really similar sounding. DH and his brother have names that are extremely similar and the nicknames only differ by 1 sound. I think that's a little strange. I also don't like rhyming names :)

    But your example of Caroline and Connor sounds fine to me! (and I love the name Connor by the way!)


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  • imageschmoodle:

    It's not my style, but I don't think it's completely tacky. The more kids, the less I like it. So, 2 kids with alliterative names, no biggy, 4, I start to laugh a bit. Or if the parents' names start that way (I know of a couple whose names both start with J as does their son's name and it just sounds ridiculous to say their family's name out loud).

      this exactly for me :)
  • i dont think its bad, we know plenty of families who have done that and its not my style but i could see myself ending up doing it later on
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  • My sister and I are Casey and Kate and while not the same letter its basically the same thing.  DH is Chris and we thought a lot about giving DS a K/C name but couldn't find one we liked.

    Great name for hypothetical sibling! 

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  • I'm fine with it. NMS, but don't think it gets tacky until you are 1/4 duggar-sized!
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  • I like it.  But I'm a "M" and DS is "M" but DH is "E" so I don't feel like I could name future kids with a M
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  • Same letter doesn't bother me. We are considering a same letter boy's name. Matchy matchy or patterns bother me. My SIL named her girls - Eliana, Analee (eliana backwards with a different spelling) and brianna and I think it is just silly. They wanted to do Liana for number 3 and the family freaked out - it would just be TOO weird!!!!
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  • I think it all depends on the number of kids and how the names sound.  We haave Gavin and our top girl name is Georgia, but since they are hard and soft Gs I don't think it sounds too similar.


  • It's not my style, but as long as they don't same almost exactly the same it's not a bad thing.
    Ella- 8/22/08, Jules and Tuck- 12/15/10
  • It doesn't bother me if it's 2 kids, but once you start having more kids with the same letter I think it starts getting weird.  I think rhyming names are worse than starting with the same letter.
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  • I think it is cute as long as ALL kids start with the same letter!. We did not name  Gwen Nora because we would have a Nolan, Nora, and Lincoln... if we did not have any more kids, Linc would be the odd man out KWIM?

    So I think cute if you do all kids you have the same letter/sound!

  • Not a fan, too matchy matchy. Unless I loved a name, then I would do it, but it sets president if you were to have a 3rd. You can't name two with a C and then not the third, because he or she may feel slighted...
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  • imageCBL:

    I think it all depends on the number of kids and how the names sound.  We haave Gavin and our top girl name is Georgia, but since they are hard and soft Gs I don't think it sounds too similar.


    I agree...if you just happen to like names with the same first letter, then go for it! I did have a kid in high school who was one of 4 all starting with "J"...they were definitely known around town for it (then again, it was a small town lol).

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  • It depends on the letter. For example I know a Zac and a Zander.  That is way too matchy-match for my liking. 

    If it is 3 or more kids, I definitely notice it.  It's not necessarily a bad thing though, just NMS.

    We had a hard enough time agreeing on a name.  I don't know that I want to limit myself to another L name, just to have a name that starts with the same letter.  Actually as I type this out, I realize that I wouldn't do it.  Even if I loved a name that started with an L, I would be really hesitant to use it for that reason. 

  • Love the idea of Caroline and Connor - very cute! 

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  • DH, his two brothers and their two first cousins are all males starting with "k" - it cracks me up, but I sort of like it.  As it turns out DD and our nephew both have AJK as their initials.  So we did it too.  But I laughingly tell DH that a next babe will get a name starting with Z.  I like it. 
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  • I would never do it.  In fact, I have two favorite names - a boy and girl - that start with the same letter.  If we have any more children, the next one will get the name and I'll have to throw the other favorite out.  But, I'm weird like that about names.

    I certainly don't think it's a no-no if they are names you like.  I do draw the line all names starting with the same letter...I know one mom who has the initials E.E. and named her kids (boy and girl) E's too much.


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  • I think Caroline and Conner are very cute together.  I frequently call my girls/text about them using the first initial of their nicknames so I wouldn't want another B or C name/nickname because then noone would know which one I am talking/texting about. 

    That being said, DD1 (Betsy) is Elizabeth and we are considering Edward for this baby. But his nickname would be Teddy so he'd be a T.  I do kind of feel bad for Carly since she would not have an E formal name and the other kiddos would. But Carly TOTALLY fits her awesome personality and a lot of people don't realize Betsy's given name is Elizabeth so I am sure it would be the same with Edward/Teddy, too.

    I think you have to use names you love-they are your children and you have to call them that for the rest of your life.  If you like 2 C names, then use them! 

    And we might not be done at 3 so who knows what #4's name would be.  Maybe a C name to balance everything out?

    I have 2 cousins with the same letter first names for their kids-Ean, Evan and Emma and Zachary, Zoey and Zevon.  It's not my style, especially since one name has been manipulated to match with the other kids (and I really like traditional, non-made-up names).  But to each their own. 

    Momma to 2 sweet girls here on earth and a precious baby boy in heaven
  • Both mine and my Dh's name start with B and then it just so happened that our favorite boy name was Bennett. We truly didn't intend for us to all have the same letters! As soon as I got pregnant this time around, people were throwing B-names at me, so I've had to explain this to a lot of people :) We are using a Q and an E this time around!
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  • I think it's cute for twins, but not my style for singletons (definitely don't think it's tacky though!). I also think starting with the same letter is better than rhyming names (no offense to anyone)
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  • I don't mind it.
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  • My friend named her 3 boys:  SpencER, ParkER and TannER.   Then she had a girl and was going to name her SkyLER, but went with Sarah instead.
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  • imageemmyloustu:
    Same letter doesn't bother me. We are considering a same letter boy's name. Matchy matchy or patterns bother me. My SIL named her girls - Eliana, Analee (eliana backwards with a different spelling) and brianna and I think it is just silly. They wanted to do Liana for number 3 and the family freaked out - it would just be TOO weird!!!!

    That's really confusing, lol.

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  • I don't think it's tacky
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  • I wouldn't think anything of it. Not too matchy matchy or tacky at all. I think the names sound great together!
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  • I'm not a fan.  Which sucks, because the majority of names I like for a boy or girl either begin with a hard "C" or "K"!
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  • I honestly don't think I'd notice unless they were twins or there were 3+ kids. I have a friend whose name starts with K. She has 5 brothers and sister who all start with K. In that case, I notice and it's NMS. But two? I wouldn't notice and if I did I wouldn't think it was too cutesy.
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  • With just two kids, I wouldn't even think about it. If you had five or six and used all C names then it might be a little Duggar-like :)

    My name starts with the same letter as my older brother's name, but I don't think of them as super matchy, especially since my parents didn't follow the trend with my younger sister.

    I like Connor with Caroline!

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  • I don't think there is anything wrong per say with this.  I always kind of laugh when I hear families who do this though.  I guess it is just not my style.  But to each its own...
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  • It's not really my thing, but if it's the only name you can agree on it it happens to have the same letter, I think it's fine.  DS is an A and DD a N and if this one's a boy (which I'm thinking it probably is) then we're going to name him another A name.  Maybe a little matchy, but it's the only name that we can agree on and we just love the name.  : )
  • I dont think that is really matchy.  My aunt has Michael, Matthew and Megan and even though they all start with M, they dont sound the same so I dont really consider them matchy (and I dont think that was her intention anyway, it just happened).  If it was 2 Ca names - Caroline and Cassidy or something like that, it might be more matchy.

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  • I think they names are cute, but the matchy matchy is NMS at all. I dont even like it with twins.
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  • I think they names are cute, but the matchy matchy is NMS at all. I thinks its even worse with twins.
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  • NMS, but if I happen to fall in love with another name that starts with H for our next baby, it wouldn't stop me from naming him/her it. With two kids it isn't as noticable, but with 3 or more it almost falls on the silly side of things IMO.
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  • imagesasa625:

    I don't think anything of it... unless the names are really similar sounding. DH and his brother have names that are extremely similar and the nicknames only differ by 1 sound. I think that's a little strange. I also don't like rhyming names :)

    But your example of Caroline and Connor sounds fine to me! (and I love the name Connor by the way!)


    This verbatim!  I have an Uncle (married in) whose brother's are Gary, Larry, Terry and Jerry.

    It's awful IMO.

    DD has a C name (not planned) and there is almost no chance of our second child not having a C name if a boy (either Jr'd or another fav I like).  If it's a girl, they will be different letters.

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  • it's really not my style and is hard for other people to keep straight. That being said it's not the worst thing in the world and my sister has 4 boys that start with T.
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  • Interesting post and responses :)

    I'm not a fan of purposely naming all of your kids with the same letters, but if they are names you really like, then go for it. My best friend has 2 (a boy and a girl....) and both of their names happen to start with "S." But.....she didn't do it purposely, just because she liked the names. She is now PG with #3 and I keep joking that she has to find another "S" name :)

    I think it is fine as long as they don't sound too similar and as long as there aren't 5 of them :)

    BTW....I think Caroline and Connor are adorable together!

    My DH actually suggested Cooper for a boy's name last night (we don't know what we are having, but we have no boy names....) and I feel like it is too close to Connor for some reason (our oldest....).



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  • two kids no big deal but any more than that its just annoying IMO.  But thats JUST MY OPINION....I don't actually care what you name your family of 10 haha in fact the Duggars are like my favorite family ever and yes their matchy names annoy me haha

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