So, DH and I are trying just one time for dc #2 w/ a medicated IUI. Although, we have like 0 chance we just had to try so we can be OK w/ "one and done".
Anyway, I had my IUI 9 days ago and have been on promethium 100 mg, 3x/ day. Yesterday I had very little discharge w/ small dots of brown. (sorry, TMI) and cramping on/ off. This morning when I wiped there was brown like I'm starting AF and I had really bad cramping almost like when I went into PTL w/ ds. I called the RE and am waiting for a call back.
So, my question is what do you think this is? Could it be AF? I thought as long as I'm on Prometrium I won't be getting AF? The wait for the RE is killing me!
I'm so over IF......
Re: 9dpiui, promethium, spotting??
After 21 cycles, and severe MFI, we finally did it with IVF #1 w/ICSI! Nico arrived 12/3/08!!!
TTC for #2: IVF w/ICSI #2-4/17/10-BFN; IVF w/ICSI #3; 7/4/10-BFP!!! Beta #1- 96; Beta #2-528; Beta #3- 7371; 6w,5d-blited ovum=D&C
IUI #2 1/10/11-BFN; IUI #3 2/18/11-BFN
IVF #4 w/ICSI & PICSI ER 5/13/11, ET 5/1/118-BFP!! Natalee arrived on 1/23/12!!!!
Pregnancy Blog: Miracles Can Happen
Parenthood Blog: The Adventures of Nico & Natalee
LOL...I didn't even think implantation spotting!! Of course, besides AF, I'm thinking horrible things like bleeding cysts, cancer....ya know, totally positive thoughts. ha ha ha
Still no word from RE and I'm going to call again. I hope it is implantation spotting!