my milk just isn't there and I've tried everything...I was hoping that once the girls got home I'd take to breastfeeding them and everything would be normal but that just isn't the case. Isn't this supposed to be the most natural thing? Pumping doesnt work for me, the pump tears up my nipples making it impossible to breastfeed; so I'm hand expressing and just putting them on the boob when I can, otherwise they get formula. I know it's not the end of the world if they go to formula full time, but I just I feel like a failure.
Other than that, the girls are doing great. They are 6 weeks old and aside from Bug having spit up issues they are fantastic!
Re: breastfeeding woes
How do you know you're not making enough milk? Your LOs will have growth spurts and you won't be making as much as they want since it takes about 3 days for your supply to catch up to their demand. Giving them formula is often the beginning of a slippery slope. Unless formula is medically necessary, I would stop giving formula and keep putting LOs to the breast! Your supply will catch up. Growth spurts are horrible - babies cry and beat at your breast b/c they're hungry - totally normal.
Pumping and hand expressing aren't necessary, so don't worry about that. Pumping is useful the first few days to help your milk come in faster, but now that it's in, you can stop if you're having problems.
I don't know how much or often you're giving formula but I would try slowly decreasing it every 2-3 days and keep putting LOs to the breast. I had to supplement with formula for about 1.5 weeks b/c the babies lost too much weight. Once they returned to their birth weights, I was able to stop the formula all together and my supply caught. Hang in there and if you decide not to continue BFing, know that you are NOT a failure. You're doing your best and your LOs will thrive and grow no matter what they're fed. BFing is super hard in the beginning and you've survived the worst part! Good for you!