Success after IF


Hi there!!!    I have been thinking of you a ton lately and wanted to check in and see how things are going?    How are you?    Has DH left yet?    I hope all is well.


Re: ******nygrlatheart******

  • Hi! I have been meaning to send you a message for a week now! Thank you so much for the GC... it has come in so handy since the day we got home from Chicago our brand new oven broke! We have been eating out for almost 2 weeks! It is awful!

    Things are good... out first u/s is Monday so everything is crossed that it goes well. If everything is good then we will tell our families next week. My DH doesn't leave until mid-march so we would like to be able to enjoy it with our families before he leaves.

    How is everything with you guys? Did you pick a new donor yet? I hope all is well with you guys! 

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  • Sorry to hear about your oven, that stinks!!!    I am glad that the panera card came in handy. 

    So happy to hear that everything is going well for you!!!!    Good luck on Monday, I am sure things will be great.   I will be thinking of you.

    Yes, we have picked another donor.   She is a proven donor this time (taking no chances again).    She has donated 5 times before and all her cycles have been amazing!    Each cycle she gets about 20-30 eggs and most of them are mature & they all have frozen embies as well.    I am nervous because it cost more money, but I feel better knowing she is proven.    

    I will keep you posted for sure.    She has her day 3 blood work and ultrasound by mid week next week.     I am so excited to get things moving again!!!!  

    Take care 

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