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Did we talk about One Born Every Minute?

i did not get to see it, so I am watching a re-run now. I am laughing at some of the moms and relating to others... WDYT if you saw it?

Re: Did we talk about One Born Every Minute?

  • I liked it but the nurses seemed judgy - like they liked the 40 yr old epidural mom the best and got pissy with the hippie couple and the out of wedlock second time mom who is 26 (and still a college student) But I am uber judgy too
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  • I liked it and will probably watch in the future.  

    I thought they portrayed the natural birth couple as being very difficult.  I felt like the nurse was trying to help.  I loved when she asked the Doula, what can I do to help?  And she had nothing to say.  

    And I couldn't understand why she refused to have her cervix checked?  Any natural birth mommas want to chime in on that?  Is it a mental thing - like she didn't want to be discouraged if she wasn't progressing as fast as they wanted? 

    Of course, this could have all been editing, and the nurse really could have been in there pushing meds and monitoring all the time and the couple respectfully declined, but that is not the way they made it seem. 

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  • I watched it, and I definitely thought some parts were funny.  I thought how they depicted the "natural childbirth" woman was funny, although maybe not so fair to her-- I mean, she did go through 24 hours of labor and a vaginal delivery (of a 9 lbs+ baby) with no drugs!

    I am definitely an epidural-woman myself, so I did identify with that lady!

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  • imageLVBlvd:

    And I couldn't understand why she refused to have her cervix checked?  Any natural birth mommas want to chime in on that?  Is it a mental thing - like she didn't want to be discouraged if she wasn't progressing as fast as they wanted? 

    I haven't watched it, but it is likely because every time they check you they expect you to make progress and stay on the labor curve. If you are not on the curve, they will likely augment labor with pitocin or move to a csection depending on how slow it is going. In my hyponobirthing class that was one of the techniques the instructor suggested as a way of buying yourself a little time in a longer labor.

    My MWs also did not check cervix very much at all once my water broke unless I requested it. I think I had 3 or 4 cervical checks in 49hrs - once when I checked in a the birthing center, once at the 12 hr mark, once before the epi and then when I was feeling pressure. This was because every internal ups your chances of infection.

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  • I was laughing at the OOOOOOPPPPPEEEENNNNNN from the hippy couple. and how they made it seem like the whole floor could hear them. I hated how they made the dad seem like a jerk, and the nurse seem pushy. I did like how the nurse asked what she could do to help, and the Doula had nothing to add!

    I will watch it again def! I felt bad for the couple who ended up in a section because she seemed so disappointed, but her Dr. recommended it first. 

  • I watched it and it made me really, really angry.  It wasn't so much the staff or the moms, but the bias in the editing was unbelievable.

    I gave birth med-free in a hospital, so I was excited to see that they were going to show the different choices that moms make when it comes to pain management (or not).  I have hardly ever seen that on tv, and when you do, it's usually a home birth or at a birth center with a MW...I had an OB and wanted to be in a hospital.

    The editing made the couple having the natural birth seem like crazy hippies!  It made them out to look inflexible (with all their birth plans and wanting to discuss cervix checks and monitoring before doing it) and the nurse actually called them insane.  The way the show edited in the staff looking like they were rolling their eyes with the sound of the mom laboring in the background...I guarantee you that that's not what actually happened, but was done for effect.

    And when they went into the shower?  You could almost see Jaime Lee Curtis (the narrator) doing the "cuckoo" sign next to her head!

    I did not have or want a doula, but I know many women do.  They made that doula look like both an idiot and like the Wicked Witch of the West.

    The first mom, the one who had the epidural, had a great time, was fun, and had an easy delivery.

    The staff seemed to write the second mom off the moment she walked in, even though she said she didn't want an epidural.  She clearly had no support from her family (in wanting no pain meds), and she didn't get any from the staff either.

    I actually saved it on my DVR so I can show my DH and yell at the TV some more.  So few women have med-free births anymore, and it really aggravates me that they're always portrayed as crazy as hippies or as inflexible morons.  I don't think I'm any of those things!


    TTC since 11/05...ectopic pg 4/08...early m/c 6/09...BFP 10/5/09!
    Nora B...June 15, 2010...8lbs, 8oz...Med-free birth!
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    TTC #2 since 7/11...cycle #3 of Clomid + IUI = BFP
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  • imagefirsttogo:

    I was laughing at the OOOOOOPPPPPEEEENNNNNN from the hippy couple.

    that was ridiculous!  :)

    what bugged me were all the shots of the stupid video cameras! terribly annoying.



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  • I felt like the nurses did a good job and I think people are making them out to be worse than they were (on other boards).  They were nice to the epi lady because she was nice to them.  It was an easy labor, she was pleasant, no complications so it makes the nurses job a lot easier. 

    The one that ended in a section was a little more complicated (obviously).  She wanted to go without the epi but had no plan for how to deal with labor and no support from her SO and mom (as they're eating their pizza and at Walmart).  It looked like the nurse tried to help her - got her on the birthing ball, in different positions - but with no support, she was kind of doomed.  I dont think they pushed the meds but they offered them and she accepted, that was her decision.  Ending in a c-section was unfortunate but the baby wasnt doing well and she wasnt handling labor well either.

    The natural couple kind of annoyed me.  Not because they went natural but because they were so rude to their nurse.  Like she said, she delivered 2 kids without meds so she knows what it's like.  I thought the dad was really rude to her at least a few times though.  Also, she never tried to push pain meds on them and was really trying to support them while making sure everyone was healthy.  In their case, I'm not sure why they didnt choose a birthing center.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you are in a birthing center or have a home birth, isnt the midwife with you the whole time?  There is someone there who is watching out for the health of you and baby, she uses the doppler to check the heartbeat, she can usually tell if you're progressing appropriately (even if it isnt with internals but by external cues/responses) and she knows when you need some kind of intervention.  These people only had their doula who is not a doctor/nurse but a support person.  They wouldnt let the nurse check on them and when she tried to they said she wasnt being positive.  Even the midwife wanted to know the progress and the nurse had to tell her that they wouldnt let her check, they only wanted the midwife to check.  I have no problem with the way they chose to labor - getting in the shower, birthing ball, OOOOOPPPPEEEENNN, or any of that and I dont think they're weird for doing that.  I just think they were really rude and instead of accepting additional help and support from someone who is VERY experienced and who has been around since before epidurals, they chose to shut her out.  Oh and after seeing this, I understand why L&D nurses dont like doulas - she was a nut.  That is something that I never understood before, I know 3 doulas and they are all great but they must be in the minority.


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  • imageLisaMarisa:

    I felt like the nurses did a good job and I think people are making them out to be worse than they were (on other boards).  They were nice to the epi lady because she was nice to them.  It was an easy labor, she was pleasant, no complications so it makes the nurses job a lot easier. 

    The one that ended in a section was a little more complicated (obviously).  She wanted to go without the epi but had no plan for how to deal with labor and no support from her SO and mom (as they're eating their pizza and at Walmart).  It looked like the nurse tried to help her - got her on the birthing ball, in different positions - but with no support, she was kind of doomed.  I dont think they pushed the meds but they offered them and she accepted, that was her decision.  Ending in a c-section was unfortunate but the baby wasnt doing well and she wasnt handling labor well either.

    The natural couple kind of annoyed me.  Not because they went natural but because they were so rude to their nurse.  Like she said, she delivered 2 kids without meds so she knows what it's like.  I thought the dad was really rude to her at least a few times though.  Also, she never tried to push pain meds on them and was really trying to support them while making sure everyone was healthy.  In their case, I'm not sure why they didnt choose a birthing center.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you are in a birthing center or have a home birth, isnt the midwife with you the whole time?  There is someone there who is watching out for the health of you and baby, she uses the doppler to check the heartbeat, she can usually tell if you're progressing appropriately (even if it isnt with internals but by external cues/responses) and she knows when you need some kind of intervention.  These people only had their doula who is not a doctor/nurse but a support person.  They wouldnt let the nurse check on them and when she tried to they said she wasnt being positive.  Even the midwife wanted to know the progress and the nurse had to tell her that they wouldnt let her check, they only wanted the midwife to check.  I have no problem with the way they chose to labor - getting in the shower, birthing ball, OOOOOPPPPEEEENNN, or any of that and I dont think they're weird for doing that.  I just think they were really rude and instead of accepting additional help and support from someone who is VERY experienced and who has been around since before epidurals, they chose to shut her out.  Oh and after seeing this, I understand why L&D nurses dont like doulas - she was a nut.  That is something that I never understood before, I know 3 doulas and they are all great but they must be in the minority.

    Yup. All of this!


    I Agree completely! I felt bad for the Nat birth couple's nurse. She was NOT pushing pain meds or interventions, but it is her responsibility to treat mom and baby, and her license is on the line. If you want a med free birth, that is one thing, but a hands off one, stay at home. It very well could have been the editing, but it was made to look like they wanted no part of the nurse, fetal monitoring ect. The dad even said "don't listen to her" Why on God's Green Earth would you enter in to a medical facility with so much mistrust in the first-place?

    I felt for the woman who's SO went to wally-world in the middle of her labor. She had no support. The only time I saw any tenderness was when she told him she was scared during her surgery. 

    The first mom was nice to the nurses and fun, she reminded me of my third labor... minus the prematurity. Fast, and to the point. 

  • imageLisaMarisa:

    The natural couple kind of annoyed me.  Not because they went natural but because they were so rude to their nurse.  Like she said, she delivered 2 kids without meds so she knows what it's like.  I thought the dad was really rude to her at least a few times though.  Also, she never tried to push pain meds on them and was really trying to support them while making sure everyone was healthy.  In their case, I'm not sure why they didnt choose a birthing center.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you are in a birthing center or have a home birth, isnt the midwife with you the whole time?  There is someone there who is watching out for the health of you and baby, she uses the doppler to check the heartbeat, she can usually tell if you're progressing appropriately (even if it isnt with internals but by external cues/responses) and she knows when you need some kind of intervention.  These people only had their doula who is not a doctor/nurse but a support person.  They wouldnt let the nurse check on them and when she tried to they said she wasnt being positive.  Even the midwife wanted to know the progress and the nurse had to tell her that they wouldnt let her check, they only wanted the midwife to check.  I have no problem with the way they chose to labor - getting in the shower, birthing ball, OOOOOPPPPEEEENNN, or any of that and I dont think they're weird for doing that.  I just think they were really rude and instead of accepting additional help and support from someone who is VERY experienced and who has been around since before epidurals, they chose to shut her out.  Oh and after seeing this, I understand why L&D nurses dont like doulas - she was a nut.  That is something that I never understood before, I know 3 doulas and they are all great but they must be in the minority.

    I actually agree with you about them appearing annoying and adversarial.  But after watching the whole show, I am certain that they were edited to appear that way.  The one quote from the nurse that basically let on how they feel about birth plans (I can't remember exactly what she said, but it was clear that they were not welcome), and makes me think that she was being was more pushy and adversarial herself than what was shown on the show.

    As I said above, I think part of it was that both sides were in a power struggle about managing what was happening to that poor mom.  She barely said a word through the whole thing and had all that drama going on around her.

    And the dad saying, "We'd really like to keep things positive" or whatever made me gag.  That's not positive - that's, like, the most passive-aggressive thing he said the whole time!


    TTC since 11/05...ectopic pg 4/08...early m/c 6/09...BFP 10/5/09!
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  • imagesuperned:

    And the dad saying, "We'd really like to keep things positive" or whatever made me gag.  That's not positive - that's, like, the most passive-aggressive thing he said the whole time!

    Oh I know!!!

    On a side note... Nora was our girl name for so long! Not sure at all what made us change!

  • I didn't expect much and it delivered (LOL).  The portrayal of the natural birth couple was asinine but unfortunately typical.  The line goes something like this: Anyone who wants a natural birth is a moron, difficult, preachy, adversarial to the medical establishment and clearly has only their own interests at heart, not their child's.  I get so sick of this BS line that keeps getting shoved down the throats of people who want medical care but also want evidence based medicine and not some CYA based medicine.  Sigh.  I won't watch again but that's ok, there's better things on TV anyway.  

    Also - to answer someone up thread.  When faced with a choice between a completely OOP prenatal care and birth at a birthing center attended completely by midwives and an insurance covered prenatal care and hospital birth many people choose the insurance coverage hoping for the best.

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  • I hope you don't mind an IFer's response, but I enjoyed it for the simple fact that when/if I get pregnant, the hospital where it is filmed is where I would most likely deliver.  I laughed throughout the show, and hope I get to meet the dad who brought the stroller in the box onto the L & D floor somewhere around Columbus some time.



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