Success after IF

Tell me all your stories about 40+ BFPs

Maybe I should clarify...all your stories about 42+ (okay, I'll take anything over 40) unassisted, or IUI-only BFPs.  IVF isn't an option for us and I'm starting to worry that it's just not in the cards.  :(

When I hear those stories about seriously AMA moms - like my boss whose mother gave birth to him at age 43 on Christmas day - it makes my heart sing!

Thanks, so much...

Childhood cancer (DH) + chemo + radiation = 0 sperm.
LO #1 - 1 unmedicated/self-monitored IUI w/ donor sperm.
LO #2 - 1 m/c, 2 BFNs, 4th IUI worked (unmedicated/self-monitored with new donor sperm).
Life is beautiful!

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Re: Tell me all your stories about 40+ BFPs

  • Our good friends did a very large number of IUIs for #1 and were finally successful after loss.

    Then they got a surprise #2.  She was born in 1965 and her kids are 5 1/2 and 3. 

    ETA: Good luck!! I am rooting for you!!

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  • My grandmother gave birth to my mom when she was 45.  She had 1 other living child 15 years earlier and at least 4 miscarriages in between. 
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  • I have seen PLENTY of unassisted 40-something moms in my 12 years as an OB nurse!!!!  My oldest was about 48 I would guess ( I think we had a 56 year old but that HAD to have been DE).

    My favorite story?  At the same time we had two patients pregnant with triplets.  Both unassisted and both a HUGE shock to them- neither had planned a pregnancy.  One was 18 and the other was 48!  It was awesome! 

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  • My aunt got pregnant with my cousin when she was 40, and then pregnant again with her younger daughter at 44.  She told me she had no problem getting pregnant either time.  

    And last night I watched "One Born Every Minute" and the woman on there was 40, pregnant with her 2nd.

    It might take longer, but it can still happen! 

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  • One of my dearest friends is currently pregnant at 41 (will turn 42 before LO is born).  They did not do any treatments to conceive but it did take over a year of actively TTC to get there.
  • Another grandmother story (I'm shocked there are two because I feel like it was really unusual for that generation!): my grandmother had my mother when she was almost 41 and my aunt when she was 42. :)

    Rooting for you! 

  • My great aunt had her son when she was over 40 (not quite sure how old she was, but definitely over 40).  It can happen!
    TTC#1 = Success on Cycle#19 with Clomid/trigger/b2b IUIs; beta#1 (15dpiui) 200, #2 (18dpiui) 433, #3 (22dpiui) 2356; TTC#2 = Surprise BFP 9/2009; TTC#3 = m/c at 6 wks, 10/29/11; BFP#2 4/1/2012... Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My sister just gave birth in August to a "surprise" baby at age 42...

    My friend T gave birth a year ago November to a surprise baby - she was also 42 at the time .. as was our friend Y - 42 and did try for a while but got pregnant on her own and gave birth at age 42.  


    "When it comes to sleeping, whatever your baby does is normal. If one thing has damaged parents enjoyment of their babies, it's rigid expectations about how and when the baby should sleep." ~ James McKenna, Ph.D., Mother Baby Behavioral Sleep Center, University of Notre Dame

  • I had an IUI just after my 40th birthday.  Just one! lol  2 of my sisters were over 40 when they had babies and my mother was 44 when she had me.  I know people say 40 year old women having babies is a 'new thing'.  Really women always had babies at this age the only thing new is that now women are having their first after 40 instead of their sixth.
    TTC since September '08 After 2 m/c - lap for stage 3-4 endo Oct '09 Bravelle w/Ovidrel trigger - iui on 11/07 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Loving these stories...thanks, everyone!

    Of course, I realize my own story is a good after 1 IUI (MFI only issue) at 39, gave birth 6 days after my 40th birthday.  Pg again after just 1 IUI when TTC #2, but that ended in m/c.  Two failed IUIs since.  But now I'm 42 and time's a tickin'...

    Childhood cancer (DH) + chemo + radiation = 0 sperm.
    LO #1 - 1 unmedicated/self-monitored IUI w/ donor sperm.
    LO #2 - 1 m/c, 2 BFNs, 4th IUI worked (unmedicated/self-monitored with new donor sperm).
    Life is beautiful!

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  • A friend of mine had her daughter at age 41 or 42...She didn't get married until she was in her late 30s.  She had a miscarriage at 40 and then went on to have her daughter.  They knew they only wanted one child.

    My grandmother had my mother at age 38 and then my uncle at 41 or 42.

    It can happen for sure!  When are you doing another cycle?

  • imagedundasgirl:

    It can happen for sure!  When are you doing another cycle?

    Probably in March...we can't afford it right now, so have to wait for our tax refund!  Ah, the joys of IF!  Thanks for asking!

    Childhood cancer (DH) + chemo + radiation = 0 sperm.
    LO #1 - 1 unmedicated/self-monitored IUI w/ donor sperm.
    LO #2 - 1 m/c, 2 BFNs, 4th IUI worked (unmedicated/self-monitored with new donor sperm).
    Life is beautiful!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My MIL found out she was pregnant with my sisters-in-law (identical twins) at 41.  It was quite a shock.  :)  GOOD LUCK!!
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  • my grandmother had my uncle when she was FIFTY two. Crazy, right? 


    She didnt have IF issues until she had her 2nd child, then she has several losses in quick succession. She then had her 3rd child, 10 years after her 2nd, and then had 4 more losses. Then surprise surprise! my uncle Joe was one hell of a surprise!

     I need the stories, too! :)  



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  • I don't know the exact age, but my aunt had both of my cousins over 40. Doing the math, I think she is 3 years younger than my dad, who is 65, so she's probably 62, and my cousins are 19 and 17, so she had them at 43 and 45 or thereabouts? She and my uncle tried for years and years and finally discovered some sort of autoimmune issue where her body was "attacking" the embryos they conceived so she kept miscarrying very early. She had some sort of transfusion of my uncle's blood or something and after that was able to maintain those pregnancies. I don't understand the specifics or what the medical terms are in modern terms since they were kind of vague and untechnical when they described it, but they did conceive without any ART (again, 20 years ago).

    My stepmother also had my sister in her 40's - maybe 41 (I don't know exactly how old my stepmother is anymore). She and my dad tried a long time and eventually (after adopting - insert eyerolls and "they just had to relax" comments here) found out they were pregnant. Again, no ART/treatment.

    Best of luck!

    *** It's funny because I'm fat ***
  • imageGermanwife2b:

    I have seen PLENTY of unassisted 40-something moms in my 12 years as an OB nurse!!!!  My oldest was about 48 I would guess ( I think we had a 56 year old but that HAD to have been DE).

    My favorite story?  At the same time we had two patients pregnant with triplets.  Both unassisted and both a HUGE shock to them- neither had planned a pregnancy.  One was 18 and the other was 48!  It was awesome! 

    If I have another baby, will you be my midwife? (I think i am totally serious!) 


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  • imageskoorbnibor:

    I have seen PLENTY of unassisted 40-something moms in my 12 years as an OB nurse!!!!  My oldest was about 48 I would guess ( I think we had a 56 year old but that HAD to have been DE).

    My favorite story?  At the same time we had two patients pregnant with triplets.  Both unassisted and both a HUGE shock to them- neither had planned a pregnancy.  One was 18 and the other was 48!  It was awesome! 

    If I have another baby, will you be my midwife? (I think i am totally serious!) 

    I'm always there for ya babe!  You need me by your side next time...I'm so there!!!

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  • I have several friends who had kids at 40+.  None of them with fertility issues.  When I was pg with DS a coworker was also pg with her first.  I was 26, she was 43.  She was 44 when she had her son.  : )
  • imageSeaSoul:

    It can happen for sure!  When are you doing another cycle?

    Probably in March...we can't afford it right now, so have to wait for our tax refund!  Ah, the joys of IF!  Thanks for asking!

    March is next month!!!  Wohooo!!  Good luck.

  • My mom was almost 42 when she got pg with my younger sister.  I'm pretty sure both of my grandmothers had their youngest child (or two) in their early 40s as well.  Good luck! 
  • to address this "grandma" post (remember THAT one a couple days ago?! nice.)

    I just saw a "I didn't know I was pregnant" and the woman was 46 and had had a tubal ligation. and... then she had a son!

    I went to high school with a girl whose family was very religious (catholic.) her 50 year old mother showed up at the dorm one day sporting a giant pregnant belly. I'm assuming she did not do IVF.

    don't lose hope mama!



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    2 infertiles' journey to 2 pink lines (and a baby girl)
    "our IF story"
  • imageDochas:
    I know people say 40 year old women having babies is a 'new thing'.  Really women always had babies at this age the only thing new is that now women are having their first after 40 instead of their sixth.

    amen sister!

    my mom had me at 40 -- a total surprise!



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    2 infertiles' journey to 2 pink lines (and a baby girl)
    "our IF story"
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