Success after IF

~*~*~*Pregnant Again Check-In*~*~*~

Hello ladies! Hope everyone?s having a good week so far.

Welcome to our newest members: sixres & malloryo85!

Please give us an update on yourself, and respond to the QOTW below.

Also, please suggest some questions or topics you would like to see here. I'm struggling to think of some.



Let?s talk about names. How did you come up with your current LO(s) name(s)? Are you going about choosing a name the same way this time around? When will you decide, if you haven?t already? Will your current LO?s name affect your selection?



ABC-123 - Boy/girl twins due 2/22/11, c/s on 2/8/11

LisaMarisa ? Baby girl Delaney Jeanne due 2/11/11

cjsbdl ? Baby girl due 2/20/11

futureMrs.Eanes - Baby girl due 2/24/11

navy&violet ? Baby boy due 2/25/11

LIAngel ? Baby girl due 4/15/11, c/s at 37 weeks

Bmf8140 -  Boy/girl twins due 4/15/11

Kristinamh6 - Baby boy due 4/17/11

Guitaristsgirl ? Baby girl due 4/24/11, c/s on 4/4/11

Malloryo85 ? Baby girl Aubrey Danielle due 5/19/11

speak06 ? Baby girl due 5/19/11


kellyloveszach ? Baby boy due 6/8/11

schmoodle ? Due 7/9/11

sixres ? Baby boy (?) due 7/9/11

duke'sgirl ? Due 7/23/11

CandT ? Due 8/2/11

Kahana ? Twins Due 8/5/11

itsmevkb ? Due 8/9/11

JustaKidAtHeart ? Due 8/23/11

CHI-06 ? Due 8/25/11

SS091506 ? Due 8/25/11

epphd ? Due 8/27/11

emmyloustu ? Due 8/31/11

Takyelgif ? Due 8/31/11 (?)

ShannonSky ? Due 9/17


PG Again Graduates

Crystalgirl ? Baby boy born 12/15!!!


If I missed anyone, or anyone else wants to join please reply here with your information and I will add you. Please include your due date, boy or girl if you know, name if you know it etc. Thanks!

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Re: ~*~*~*Pregnant Again Check-In*~*~*~

  • Update: I had an OB appt this morning & nothing new to report. It was a very, short uneventful appointment. Just waiting for my 33 week u/s with the peri to see if I still have placenta previa (& will likely need a C section). The unknown is driving me nuts!

    QOTW: Choosing names is soooo hard! We are pretty much in the same boat as last time. We talked about names a lot right before/after we found out the sex and now we haven't talked much more about it. It's constantly on my mind though, and I am always looking/listening to see if a name I haven't heard jumps out at me. Just like last time we have a favorite, but can't make a definite decision. We most likely won't announce his name until after he's born. I like to reserve the right to change my mind in case the name just doesn't fit after we see him. It's frustrating because I get asked all the time if we have a name yet, and I don't really feel like sharing but I don't want to lie either. I know I'm guilty of asking this same question though, so I guess I can't complain. Smile


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  • I forgot what I updated last week so I'm sorry if I'm just repeating myself :) 

    I had my NT scan and a regular OB appt last week.  Both went very well.  The measurements were all good and we got a guess on genders.  The Dr. and tech (at the NT scan) both guessed that Baby A is a Girl and Baby B is a Boy :)  I know it is still early and they were just guesses but we are thrilled!  I have my next scan in 3 weeks so hopefully we will find out for sure then.  Other than daily headaches things are going good.

     QOTW : We have had a pretty easy time coming up with names.  DS is a 3rd, we use his middle name so he will have a different name than DH and his late Grandpa.  For these babies we already had a name picked out that we were going to use for a girl or boy so we just needed to come up with 1 girl name and 1 boy name.  I wanted all the kid's names to start with A so that narrows it down a lot :) We do have first and middle names picked out for a boy and girl so if the genders stay the same we are done.  We haven't decided if we are going to keep the names a secret or not otherwise I would share them now :)

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  • can I be added, edd-10/7.  first u/s with the RE is 2/18.  i'll be 7 weeks


    Let?s talk about names. How did you come up with your current LO(s) name(s)? Are you going about choosing a name the same way this time around? When will you decide, if you haven?t already? Will your current LO?s name affect your selection?

    The first time I had ever heard of LO name was from someone on the Real World, and I hated the name.  Over the years it really grew on me and I eventually loved it.  When we found out we were having a boy I instantly knew I wanted that name.  I have a few ideas for this LO, but nothing really until we find out the gender, which won't be for a while. 

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  • Update: My EDD actually got changed to 9/15. Not sure why, as that's what it would be using my trigger date, not my O date, but since that's what's on all my paperwork, I'm going with it.

    QOTW: I can't even remember how we came up with Ellie's of us mentioned it and we both liked it! I'm sure we'll do the same this time around. Right now we like Olivia (Liv) and Beatrice (Bea) or Benjamin (Ben/Benji) and Thomas III (can't figure out a nn we like for that, though).

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  • Update:  Saw the ob one beautiful LO in there.  I am down 6 lbs. 


    QOTW: We will for sure use a vowel for the first letter of the first name.  We may or may not use the N to end the first name. 

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  • Update: Had a great appt this past  Monday.  I have now graduated to appts every 2 weeks.   Dr at this last visit said that in the next visit or 2 we will start discussing dates for my c-section.   It will be sometime around 37/38 weeks.   which means SOON!  Holy chit!  

    QOTW:  I came up with Nicholas when I was a kid watching Eight Is Enough reruns.  Adam Rich played youngest kid Nicholas and I thought he was cute as a button.   I said if I ever have a boy, his name will be Nicholas.  Luckily DH agreed. I will say I tried out a few other names- but DH rejected all of them. 

    This time?  I just love the name Ava and again suggested other names to DH (before saying "Ava") and he had a comment about all of them.   I said "what about Ava?"  Waiting for another nasty comment DH said "Hmmm like Ava Gardner (an old time actress).  I like it".   So yay DH agreed to Ava and thinks we are naming her for an old lady actress who's long dead. 

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  • Update: No more bleeding, yay! I have another u/s this Friday and am so anxious.

    QOTW: We tried to find something unique but not weird, also something old fashioned. We use family names for middle names. For this baby we are trying to stick with the uniqueness, but won't do the same letter or same sound thing. 

    I love looking at the social security site and look at the top 100 names from each year, goes back to 1900! 

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  • Hello! I would like to be added to this list please:) Had my first beta today and it's 116 at 15dpo. Due date is October 12.


    Choosing Ethan's name was a battle to the finish, LOL. Not really but we did have many rounds of suggesting and vetoing names. My big thing was picking a name that was not easily shortened to a nickname. I spent my whole life correcting people with my name, it gets obnoxious after a while!

    We already have a girl name picked out from last time around. However, another boy's name will be difficult...we just didn't have a very long list to even consider. We'll likely go with the same process. Not sure if we'll consider our current LO's name when we choose #2's. We'd likely stear clear of names that sound similar to Ethan.

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  • Update - I had the NT scan and blood work last week and it all came back normal so that is good news.  Also, my natural killer cells tested normal for the first time this pregnancy so even more good news. 

    QOTW - We have had names picked out since I was pregnant with my daughter.  Before we knew she was a girl we picked out a boys name and will most likely use that if this baby is a boy.  When I was pregnant the third time I picked out a girl name that I would like to use this time around.  Each of our kids have a unisex name but the names for this baby aren't.  We will, however, stick with calling all of our children by their middle names.

    Kelly, Mom to Christopher Shannon 9.27.06, Catherine Quinn 2.24.09, Trey Barton lost on 12.28.09, Therese Barton lost on 6.10.10, Joseph Sullivan 7.23.11, and our latest, Victoria Maren 11.15.12

    Secondary infertility success with IVF, then two losses, one at 14 weeks and one at 10 weeks, then success with IUI and then just pure, crazy luck.  Expecting our fifth in May as the result of a FET.

    This Cluttered Life

  • Update:  I just had an appointment this afternoon and there is no real progress.  Still 3-4cm but my doc said that I probably wont make it to my next appointment.  We'll see.  Overall I am feeling pretty good though so I cant really complain, I'm just anxious.

    QOTW:  DS's name is a name that DH has loved since the 80's.  It took a little while to convince me but I eventually gave in since we couldnt come up with something that we both liked better.  This time we had a long list of names (girls names are so much easier) and tried to rank them but it was difficult.  We ended up choosing the top 3 and then from there DH had an absolute favorite and I was kind of torn.  My family weighed in and we ended up choosing the name that everyone liked best.  I really didnt give much thought to the names going together - I dont really get that - I dont think names go together but we definitely would have avoided anything that matched/rhymed with DS's name.  Oh and both kids have family middle names - that was not negotiable.


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  • Update: I have my 38-week appointment is tomorrow, so I'm anxious to see if I've made more progress (I was 2.5 centimeters dilated and 60% effaced last week).  I still think she's coming early. I'm scheduled for an induction on Feb 21.

    QOTW: Our philosophy on naming is to give our children their own first names and a family middle name. We've FINALLY chosen a name, but we're not sharing until birth!

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