Can you tell I feel unsure about this? We're 95% sure we're done having kids for lots of reasons, so it's time to part with some of the baby gear. Thought I'd check here to see if anyone wanted anything before I post on craigslist etc.
If you want more info, just email me at
Graco Snugride Infant Carseat Stroller Frame-$30
Green Bumbo and tray-$15
Brown Moby Wrap-$20
Fisher Price Nature's Touch Papasan Swing (the mobile part has bees)-$65
We have a TON of baby clothes too. 90% Carters brand, some of the Kohl's brands (Jumping Beans etc). In girls, we have newborn and 0-3 summer stuff, 3-6 and 6-9 fall/winter, and 12-18 month summer stuff. Boys I have 0-3 and 3-6 spring/summer. We have lots of footed sleepers in all of these sizes. Some things still have tags.
I will also have an extra Graco Snugride carseat base (in tan) within the week, once we install Owen's new carseat.
I'm also considering selling our BG 3.0's (most are lightly used and I have several barely used inserts), if someone's interested in talking to me about those.
Re: I'm selling baby stuff. Sigh.
This is a freaking steal!
Perfect! When can I start sending my kid over?!
Id be interested in these things!
HA! I'll start my own damn preschool. I be learnin' them chilr'n right.
Great! Shoot me an email or fb message and we can figure a time to meet up so you can take a look.
I would love to take that Moby wrap off your hands. I was planning on buying one anyways and that's a lot cheaper than retail. I can mail you the $20 and some cash to cover mailing it or since I will be out and about on Friday anyways, maybe I could pick it up then. I am going up to Deerfield Township Friday morning, are you anywhere between there and NKY?
Elijah Matthew - 5/3/07 ~ Adalyn Rosemary - 3/23/11
*Photos by Kacy Cierley*
Perfect. What time do you drive past here?
Elijah Matthew - 5/3/07 ~ Adalyn Rosemary - 3/23/11
*Photos by Kacy Cierley*
This will be our first craft project.
Actually, I'm going to see Tube Top this weekend, so how about if I give it to her and you can hook up at the office?
just realized I never responded to your email about this.
Oh I'm for sure signing my kid up for your daycare. I need that lovely creation for my mantle.
Well, I can't promise that it'll be a PBR can. It might be Beast ICE, depending on what's on sale at the corner liquor store.
I don't discriminate. PBR, Beast, High Life, Colt 45...whatev.
I bet you ladies can guess what's on the menu for snack time the same day...
::congratulates self for successfully high jacking yet another post::
I might be interested in the summer clothes 12-18 months!