The article was decent, so I thought I'd pass it on.
Assuming we can find a class that works for our existing scheule, we are looking into sending J for 2 (1/2) days/week, next school year. Show of hands - who else is in the middle of considering the preschool registration process?
Re: Babycenter article on Preschool Readiness
This is us. I just sent in the registration. Hoping we got in the 3 day program. I'm already dreading dropping him off the first day.....
Emeline 5.28.13
My Blog
Post-Baby PRs
Esri 5K 7.16.2014 - 21:30
Heart Half Marathon 3.16.2014 - 1:43:30
Canton City Marathon 9.8.14 - 3:30:56
Which school did you choose? PM or FBM me if you'd rather. We've been discussing it for a few weeks, but I really just started looking. To be honest, the most important aspect, for us, would be the days of the week that the classes meet (has to be M, Th, and/or Fridays).
You are on the ball, lady.
Lucky Ducky
We are. Noah's on a waiting list at the place we picked out. They have to be 3 by Sept. 30th (he's 11 days shy of that) so if they don't fill the class or if someone drops out they'll call us. It's for 2 days a week for 2 1/2 hours.
If he doesn't get in this year, we aren't going to look for another place, we'll just wait until the next school year. We weren't signing him up for the "preschool" part necessarily, more for the social we aren't stressing if they don't call us. He won't be able to start kindergarten until he's 5 turning 6, so he's got time.
This is kind of where my head is, too. In fact, we could really care less about the curriculum of the school, at this point. I know that probably sounds rather counterintuitive coming from [former + current] teachers.
No it doesn't. I stressed myself out over preschool curriculum only to find myself with a very bored Kindergartner who was basically doing Pre-K all over again.
Should I reiterate that A and I are kindred spirits? Maybe kindergarten boredom is the reason I've always been a PITA.
We're in the middle of this too. We've gone to one open house and we have some visits planned for this week. I am worried that the classes will fill up fast, especially morning classes. So, we really need to decide by the end of this week or next so we have a good chance of geting in where we want to be.
Griffin 10/2007
*raises hand*
We are filling out the application and going to be going in for testing in the middle of March to see if he qualifies from a therapy standpoint. We are doubting ourselves simply because of his immune system, but as his doctor says, he has to go to school at some point.
It's so hard but we know that he needs this from a social aspect and for the controlled atmosphere of a classroom, so we will be sending him a couple of days a week starting in August.
Max's Blog
I felt the same way since I felt like Ava was already picking up so much of what they teach in preschool anyway, and honestly it was good enough for me that two of my teacher friends send their kids to the same school. I just wanted her to have the social outlet and classroom structure. The schedule was super important for me since I wanted her to go for at least a half day... some of the schools I liked only met for about 2.5 hours in the morning and to me that felt like it was more trouble than it was worth... it takes us longer than that to get everyone ready, out the door, over to the school, back home, back to school for pickup, etc. Her school meets for 4 hours in the morning which I felt was the perfect balance for her starting out, and perfect for me as far as being able to run errands, make appointments, spend time with just Charlotte, etc. I'd definitely look for something that is a half day.
I registered Logan on Sunday, which seems crazy since he won't start until September 30. He'll go 2 half days (T/Th), hopefully the morning session since he's still a hardcore napper. We are 6th on the registration list, so I think it's a safe bet he'll score the morning session. Thankfully his preschool provides transportation and is in our sitter's school district, otherwise I'm not sure what we would have done on the preschool front since we both work FT.