Stella will be 17 months old on Friday. She still naps twice a day! I keep thinking we're going to be able to drop the first nap, but she is very ready for a nap every day around 9am. She goes to daycare twice a week and somehow she only naps once a day there. When we pick her up after work, she is dead tired but they always say she had a good day.
Just wondering if I should try and get her down to one nap or stick with the 2 naps until she doesn't seem to need them anymore.
Her current schedule is this:
Bed at 7pm
Wakes between 5am-6:30am
1st nap from 9am-10:30ish
2nd nap from 1pm-2:30is
Re: How long did your LO take 2 naps?
K only naps once a day at this point, which I think is solely because of only napping once at daycare (their rule, not mine).
For awhile after moving to the toddler room she would still nap twice a day at home on the weekends. These days, though, we're trying to keep her on the daycare schedule when we're home with her (which is once a week these days because of all the bad weather), and she seems to have dropped the morning nap on the weekends.
I say if she still wants it, let her sleep. I hate waking a sleeping baby.
What time does he go down for his afternoon nap?
DD is 19 months old. Her schedule has been all over the place lately! She went down to one (morning) nap for about 3-4 weeks. She was waking up around 7 and then going back down between 9-10 for about 2-3 hours. But then she started waking around 6-6:30, meaning she's usually up from her morning nap around 10-11. She can't last until 6:30-7 without sleeping, so we're back to two naps.
We tried moving her to one (afternoon) nap, but she just can't make it. She is always ready for a nap about 2 hours after she wakes up. She also goes to daycare 2 days/week and there she makes it until 12-12:30 and then sleeps for 1-2 hours. She's pretty tired when she comes home, but I think they keep her busy enough in the morning.
I was concerned when she first started doing it, but she's pretty well-rested when she wakes up and her overall mood/behavior is much better, so I just think she needs the sleep.
Around 18/19 months. One of my daughters probably still would take 2 naps a day but we need to keep the ladies on the same schedule for our sanity.
They do, however, take 2.5-3 hr naps during the day. We are lucky now...but it took almost 11 months for them to sleep through the night.
Jacob stopped napping 2x a day around 13m, but I think that was rather early. Most of my friends' kids moved to 1 nap around 15-18m.
He stopped taking a PM nap. He would still go down easily for the AM nap and sleep from about 9:30-11. But he didn't want to sleep for the PM nap. So, I gradually pushed back the AM nap and now he goes down around 1pm (after lunch) and sleeps for 2-3 hours. He goes to bed around 7:15 and wakes between 6:30-7.
We dropped to one nap right around Megan's 1st birthday. We were going to more and more playdates and events and made sure to keep her busy and active around the time that she had been napping. We went from a 9am nap to napping right after lunch time. We slowly bumped them later and later over the course of a few weeks. Not just over night. Also her two naps started getting shorter and shorter. When we went to one nap, she was pulling 3 hours naps almost every day.
Stella is getting 3 hours of naps, but hers are broken into two naps. Are her daycare naps longer than an hour and a half or is that all they allow them to nap? If she's only getting the amount of one of her usual naps, that makes sense why she's so tired on daycare days. KWIM?
Megan Hope 2yrs 3months
alex went down to 1 nap around 12 months.
she goes to bed around 7:30pm- up between 5:30-6am & down for a nap around 11:30-1:30ish.
she was napping from 10-12 but we're trying to move it later for when the nanny starts. the goal is nap = 12-2ish.
look at the birds | bless this food
H still naps 2x a day:
Bed: 7:30
Awake: 6:30-7 (sometimes later, but that's RARE)
Nap: 10-11:45 or 12
Nap: 3-4 or 4:30
I can tell he needs the sleep still, so I haven't even tried to move to one nap. He usually gets one nap on Sundays b/c of church, but it's become a challenge to get through lunch and get home. He's just exhausted by that point!