I just read BrideinOC's post and I can't imagine what a tough balancing act it is to be a step-parent. Just wanted to give a big shout out to you girls who are awesome step-parents and making the best decisions you can for everyone in your family.
I am in a unique situation b/c my biological parents separated right after I was born and my mom met my dad when I was 6 months old and married him when I was 2. I saw my bio-dad periodically, but he was a train wreck and passed about 10 years ago. The man my mom married is my dad in every way. He is not a perfect person, or even a perfect dad, but he is just about the most amazing dad in the world. And forget that, he loves my DS just about more than anybody and is an awesome granddad (he babysits WAY more than my mom). Never for a minute has he made me feel less than his child and his family has always treated me that way too. I am a lucky lucky girl and so are all the beautiful step-kids that are in you ladies' charge.
Re: ((HUGS)) to All You Awesome Step-Parents Out There!
After 21 cycles, and severe MFI, we finally did it with IVF #1 w/ICSI! Nico arrived 12/3/08!!!
TTC for #2: IVF w/ICSI #2-4/17/10-BFN; IVF w/ICSI #3; 7/4/10-BFP!!! Beta #1- 96; Beta #2-528; Beta #3- 7371; 6w,5d-blited ovum=D&C
IUI #2 1/10/11-BFN; IUI #3 2/18/11-BFN
IVF #4 w/ICSI & PICSI ER 5/13/11, ET 5/1/118-BFP!! Natalee arrived on 1/23/12!!!!
Pregnancy Blog: Miracles Can Happen
Parenthood Blog: The Adventures of Nico & Natalee