So there's this bedroom right next to Ava's that is tagged for our next child(ren.)
Plain white walls, wood floors, nothing else but some junk we threw in there long ago, and Ava's crib and changing table.
Ever since I weaned Ava at 6 months to TTC again (almost 2 1/2 yrs ago, holychit) that door has remained shut. We don't open it, we don't talk about it, and I may or may not have shed a tear or two walking past it at night, wishing I could go in there and kiss the wee one in there, goodnite. I imagine it's kinda like the room of a child you lost, and it just stays frozen in time until someone has the ballz to change it into an exercise room or something.
While we're still not positive on our next step(s) to grow our family, obviously you know as well as I do that I will mother others.
I'm kinda tired of that room being dormant. Unused. "Forbidden." I've asked that instead of cheesey gifts for V-Day that Davez doesn't wanna buy me anyways, that we move the junk out out of that room together, organize it a bit, and make it "baby ready". (Paint? not sure if I'm ready for that yet.)
They say if you ACT like you want something, and not just SAY it, it's more likely to come true. I say out of sight, out of mind. lol. Sure I can do this "remod" and then shut the door if it's too much, but WDYT? Thx.
Re: Am I asking for it? (clicky poll about a bedroom)
Ugh that's tough. If it were me I would set it up as something else because I would feel as if I'm jinxing myself if I set it up for a baby. Although you did say one day you would mother another so sounds like it would be a good idea to set it up
I say there's nothing wrong with positive thinking & taking actions toward your end goal. DD's nursery is an aqua, owl themed room..which could def be neutral, but I did add in some cutesy pink stuff (couldn't help it)! Here is the link on the big reveal of her nursery from my blog:
I talk about where I got everything in the room & linked up to individual posts about the different elements of the room. Sending lots of prayers your way as always, I have complete & total faith (as you do) that you will mother others.
We had one of those rooms that sat empty and taunted me. It was the perfect nursery, already painted yellow when we bought the house.
After a failed cycle I went nutzo on it. Painted it chocolate brown and made it our bedroom. I just couldn't walk past that door anymore. Once the LOs arrived it became their room, we left it brown, I still love the color.
we have not used it in over 2+ years, and don't need it now. it's the baby's room.
I agree with all of this, partly because I'm Jewish (culturally/heritage-wise - not getting into the religion discussion again!), but more because of our history that it just freaks me out to buy or do anything baby related before there's a baby in the home, but I know I'm in an extreme minority on that. I just hate the idea of you prepping a nursery and (god forbid) not having a chld to occupy it for some time. At first it can be a sign of optimism and hope, but after time it can just be a very, very sore wound. I realize it already is sort of that for you, but I imagine making it even more baby ready would exacerbate it.
Ah, delurk more, that's a cute story! Funny, HOPE is a huge word with me. HUGE. and that's kinda what I'm getting at.... the room as it sits is a wound for me. I WILL mother others, that's not even open for debate, here folks. I just think that *IF* we cycle again, or adopt, or whatever, I need to frame my mind differently. Time to stop just yapping about it,and ACT like it.
That room is going to get a purpose in a couple weeks. Let's do this!
(thanks gals. I appreciate you)
I definitely agree with the idea that you need to focus on what you want... act like it's a "when" not an "if" So I say go for it!! You know that eventually there will be a baby to occupy the room, and this way you can take your time and find the perfect decorations!!
I know that for some, having a baby's room with no baby would be too much to handle. But in your case, you already have that anyway. Why not focus on the fun part of it for a bit?! The rest will fall into place!! (this is coming from a girl who bought baby clothes as soon as DH and I made the decision to TTC, and continued to buy baby items even though it wasn't working as well as we would have liked... and then bought even more baby items as soon as the stick said "pregnant" I like to think that my positive thinking helped
I think you should paint it a dark color that is terribly hard to paint over and make a spare room/office/game room/whatever.. - that's how life works right? Just when you spend the money on something, you have to undo it!
GL whatever you decide