Success after IF

Folks who have done FET

I am mid-cycle and gearing up for a 2/14 transfer. I have a perfect 4 year old son thanks to IVF/ICSI in 2006. We transferred 2 perfect 8 cell 3-day embies for my cycle with him. I have mid-grade embryos remaining and we are planning to transfer 3.


My question for you - how many embryos did you transfer/what was their quality/what was the outcome? Just taking a little unscientific poll over here to help pass the time. :-)


DS #1 born 11/23/06 - our IVF miracle! Missing our sweet baby who was spontaneously conceived. 20 week loss on 6/24/10. DS #2 born 10/22/11 at 38w1d after FET #1. Life is GOOD!!!!!

Re: Folks who have done FET

  • I don't have a number grade for them, but I know that we were told they were excellent quality embryos. We transferred two and both stuck.

    For our fresh cycle we transferred two, both stuck initially, but then we lost one early on.

    Kimberly, DH Monte, Angel baby 10/06, Angel twin 7/07, Rhett Kaden, our IVF miracle, born 3/23/08, Mason Robert & Wyatt David, our FET miracles, born 8/2/09 at 36 weeks, 3 days
    Our Blog

  • For DS#2, we did single embryo transfers. First one was a BFN, second one is the little guy to the right in my siggie. They were day 6 embies and I think the first one was a BA, and the second attempt (his) a BB. I don't remember the specifics of the grading, but I know the one that didn't take was a higher quality embryo than him. Goes to show that a beauty contest a baby does not make :)
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  • Thanks guys! I am totally anxious about tranfering 3, but my RE is conservative and assures me that triplets will not happen. We will SEE!
    DS #1 born 11/23/06 - our IVF miracle! Missing our sweet baby who was spontaneously conceived. 20 week loss on 6/24/10. DS #2 born 10/22/11 at 38w1d after FET #1. Life is GOOD!!!!!
  • We had 4 frozen on day five and 2 survived the thaw.  My RE didn't give us a number or letter grade he just said that the one started as a morula and developed into a beautiful blast and the other one he called a perfect blast.  We transfered both and 1 stuck resulting in my current pregnancy.

    Good luck with your transfer!

    Clomid M/C 8 weeks 2/08 *IVF #1-DD born 3/09
    *Surprise BFP-T18 baby lost at 13w 1/10 *FET #1-DS born 2/11
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • We transferred 3 that were frozen on day 1 and when we thawed we let them grow to 3d. They were B+ (8, 7, & 6 cell). 

    we were given a 20% chance of getting pregnant with 1, less than 3% chance that all 3 would take....

    All three embies took!

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  • We transferred 2 embryos that expanded to 100% by the time we transferred. They both stuck and we are having boy/girl twins this Spring.

    (The fresh cycle they were frozen from: we transferred our best two blasts and it result in a singleton pregnancy with my son who is now 2)

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