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How do you find activities?

to do with your LO. I do not know anyone his age, all my friends kids are 8 and older, so I am looking for things he can do to interact with kids his age. I just have no where to look.

He goes to Gymboree once a week (when it is not snowing grrr) and does swimming at the Y when it is warm. But I need things that I can just go to without having to sign up for a weekly thing... just drop in type of thing.

I just found out Barnes and Noble does a story time on facebook when a facebook friend posted about it... who knew? So where do I look to find kids activities in the area? 

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Re: How do you find activities?

  • The library, the mall play area, local science centers usually do something for the kids.
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  • It is tough at this age.  Our library has a story time but that doesnt really work for us because DS is too active.  We did gymboree when he was younger but gave it up because of the cost and distance.  We tried swimming classes but DS wasnt crazy about it.  We did hit the story time at Barnes and Noble once completely by coincidence.  The best thing for him was signing him up for preschool.  There is a mommy and me class that we've done this year which is only an hour once a week but has been great and he's learned a lot (songs, waiting in line, routine).  Next year he will be starting a traditional preschool which is 2.5 hours twice a week. 

    You could also think about a Stroller Strides class or something similar.  It might be more for you than for him but it is something to get out of the house.

    I'm definitely ready for the weather to warm up so we can start heading outside again.


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  • I'm in the same boat as you.  I have looked through the libraries for story times, and I have heard some of the book stores have them, too.  I stumbled upon a "soft gym" in the county that happens to be near me.  There's a MOMS group in my area, but it's all people who are either SAHMs or the events are on the weekends when I work so I haven't been able to do anything like that.  I've looked on as well.  That might be another resource.  I'm starting to think my LO is never going to have any friends!
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  • The library often offers a couple of drop-in activities.  I also belong to a MeetUp group of local Moms.  Many of the activities are during the day and I work 4 days a week and cannot often participate, but at least it gives me ideas of things to do!  I found out about the B&N story time, a monthly playtime offered by the local boutique toy store, and a couple of other things I never would have known about.

  • Look on the local library website and see if they do storytime.  We also have a local children's museum that we have gone to.  We also hit up the play area at the mall. 
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  • Library, they have a storytime for babies/toddlers up to 18 months at my local library and don't just look at your local library, many moms here frequent all the libraries within 10 mile radius.

     Music together is another option.

    Or an indoor gym area. I'm sure you have some in your area as we are both from the northeast and they have a bunch here.

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  • We take a kindermusik class which is a lot of fun. Next session we are taking sign and sing as well. Our grocery story carries a family fun news magazine that always profiles fun activities in our area.
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  • We are in Boston as well - we do groovy baby music, ( and I have checked out all the libraries in the area for their story times and sometimes they have people there who sing songs, etc.  Not sure where in Boston you are, but Somerville libraries have lots of stuff, as do the Cambridge libraries.  

    There is a place in Arlington called Together in Motion that I have heard good things about, and they have some drop in play times.  They don't often work for our schedule, though, so we haven't been.  

    Finally, we have a local mom's group so I found a play group through that, and they often post activities that are going on in the area.  

    Good luck!! 

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  • Its tought but we try adn get out every day when it isnt' freaking snowing which seems like never. but...we go the little gym once a week, story time once a week, i foudn a cool moms group that meets once a week where they have actually have babysitters to watch the kids so the moms get a break and can talk...we usually go the mall/shoppoing once a week or so ...they play in the play area, we shop, i drink coffee. Haha wow my life is so exciting. ALos we just moved so I need ot find a new gym but my boys loved  the daycare at the gym and I also loved the break and that I got to work out....

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  • Check your supermarket for some kind of local parenting free magazine, in the rack with all the free real estate stuff.  Usually most cities have one, and they are full of all the activities.  You might even search FB for a website attached to one of these magazines.
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  • has drop-in playgroups that are age based.  They are free if you are a member and $5 if you are a non-member.  I have met a ton of moms and babies through Isis groups.

    Also, one of the women I met in one of my mom's groups from Isis works at and she mentioned they also have some "open gym" time.  You have to enroll to be able to use the open gym but it looks like you can use that without signing up for a scheduled class. 

    I've seen the Boston Parents Magazine around and they have a website

    I know my town has sing alongs at local kid-friendly restaurants, the library has a story hour, etc. 

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