Cloth Diapering

NCDR-Age between kids

DS is about to turn one and originally I was thinking I wanted to TTC again next May (2012) so they would be 3 years I am thinking I would like to TTC this summer so they are a little more than 2 years apart.

Anyone have any advice on the difference between 2 and 3 years...I am not sure which I am trying to talk myself into...DH says whatever I want. haha

image Noah Michael, born sleeping 9/29/12 at 19w 3d. We love you forever Little Man! image
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Beta #1 11dpo:89 Progesterone:38.9 Beta #2 18dpo:1940
HB seen at 6w HB 8w 5d 176bpm! Its a BOY!
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All Always Welcome!!

Re: NCDR-Age between kids

  • My first 2 are 16.5 mo and my 2nd 2 are a little over 2.5 years apart.  There are positives to both:


    Dont remember life without siblings;less jealousy.

    Youre used to diapers, sleeplessness, all things baby

    Vacations, toys, etc will be similiar b/c they are so close.

    Built-in Playmate



    Older child is more self-sufficient

    One in diapers at a time

    Older child might be in preschool so more one-on-one with baby

    Older child can "help"

    That is just off the cuff.  There really is no right answer!!  Good luck!


  • Mine will be just under 2 years apart. I actually wanted them closer, so I'm no help! But I do think 2 years will be good because dd is just clueless enough (that sounds horrible) to not be super jealous, but old enough to entertain herself, when needed (hopefully! when I'm nursing the baby, etc)
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  • imagesweetpea18:
    Mine will be just under 2 years apart. I actually wanted them closer, so I'm no help! But I do think 2 years will be good because dd is just clueless enough (that sounds horrible) to not be super jealous, but old enough to entertain herself, when needed (hopefully! when I'm nursing the baby, etc)

    I am kind of thinking like this...I am thinking, if all went as planned they would be just over 2 years apart...somewhere between 25-28 months apart. I was very lucky to get pregnant the first cycle we tried the first time so I am hoping the next time will be the same.

    Mike DH is in the military as well and was told he would be deployed sometime between now and 2014... what a window right I also am a little afraid of him being gone if we wait, which means we would have to wait even longer or when our next LO is a newborn...

    so many decisions, I almost think I should just stop taking my pill in May and see what happens...

    image Noah Michael, born sleeping 9/29/12 at 19w 3d. We love you forever Little Man! image
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP: 2/4/13 EDD: 10/11/13
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Patiently waiting for Buggirl to join me!!
    Beta #1 11dpo:89 Progesterone:38.9 Beta #2 18dpo:1940
    HB seen at 6w HB 8w 5d 176bpm! Its a BOY!
    grow rainbow grow!!!!
    All Always Welcome!!
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