Hey, I'm having my baby at St. Ann's, with Emily and Becky from WCH, in 8 weeks and I'm hoping to have a waterbirth. I was supposed to go on the maternity tour tonight, but I'm very sick, so I had to reschedule. Unfortunately, I couldn't get in until the 28th

Anyway, I was hoping to hear about others waterbirth experiences there. How things are set up as far as the tub, how big they are, can your support get in the tub with you, etc.? Just things like that. I have an appointment with Becky later this week, but I was really hoping to find all this out tonight. Being sick is a major bummer

I Bump from my phone 90% of the time, with a baby in my lap, so please excuse my bad format and poor spelling and/or punctuation.
Re: Mount Carmel St. Ann's Waterbirth