The boy will literally tackel his sister and beat her. if he has anything... toy...sippy whatever he will smash her in the head with it. Im at a major loss. He finally stopped hitting me and now hits her. I try time outs but he just laughs at me! I dont know what else to do to get it through his head he cant do this. i know i know i know re direct but seriously if thats all i can do then i might as well lock them in seperate rooms. Please help!!
Re: DS hittng is out of control
Some 15 month olds may understand time out. I started my foster son in time outs at 16 months when he did something that indicated to me he clearly understood his actions were wrong. IF you think your DS can understand his behavior and time out, then you should keep doing them. The way I did time outs were exactly like Supernanny I would say "no hitting" and promptly place my foster son in the corner. If he left the corner, I would return him to the corner without saying anything. I did this several times until he understood he was to stay there. I had him time-out for one minute and then would go to him and explain again "no hitting", have him say sorry (hugs when he was pre-verbal) and then we would do hugs and kisses.
Before he could understand time-outs, I would quickly stop his hitting and sternly say "no hitting." I then would say "gentle hands." Since he was usually hitting me in the face, I would hold his hands and have him gently stroke my face. He's now 3yo and frequently strokes my face when he says he loves me or he's sorry
ETA: Now that I think about it, he was almost 18 months when I started them.
DD1 stopped hitting because I gave her a different option. I told her that she was not allowed to hit other people, but it was fine with me if she wanted to hit herself. She hit herself a few times, but stopped hitting me. I did the same thing with biting - she never did bite herself.
Maybe i need to keep up with the time outs. he looks like something is registering in his brain so we might be getting on to something and he just doesnt get it yet or im not consistant enough? My biggest problem is tryin to put DS in a time out and keep DD far enough away. the poor girl will try to soothe her brother who is in time out for hurting her!!! I need to find something i can put him in that he will be safe and i can tend to DD and keep her away. I refuse to do a PNP bc we use those on trips for napping and someone once suggested a high chair which again i dont want associated with food.
any thoughts on how to keep him safe in time out?
we use a PNP in the middle of nothing. i was concerned about the PNP too because we also use it on trips and a friend pointed out that the entire situation is different so it was fine. we dont use them for naps though. i have done time outs where i sit them in the corner and sit right behind them and when they try to leave re-sit them down. over and over. now if i ask them to stop or time out they will walk away from whatever they are doing. sometimes they will do it, then walk over to the corner.