
In a licensing "loophole" and loving it :)

In our state, boys and girls that are not bio related (or adopted) can not share a room after the age of 5.

All three of the little ones share a room (Lil J and the 2 girls).  We knew this would be an issue after he turned 5, which is in 2 weeks.

We are up for our license renewal on Feb 23.  Which, is obviously after he turns 5.  We are still not 100% sure how we are going to rearrange the rooms.

BUT!  They called to schedule our appointment, and it is for tuesday!  That is Feb 1st, BEFORE he turns 5.  And, my family worker told me she is 99.9999% sure they will not come back after he turns 5 to make sure they are split apart.

So, on the 1st, it will not be considered a violation or even a "needs modification".  YIPEE

i also think it might be written as "older than 5" which could mean after the 6th birthday

Re: In a licensing "loophole" and loving it :)

  • What happens if they come after his birthday for a visit?
  • I just wanted to say that I LOVE the ruffle bloomers! They are too adorable.

    I hope everything works for the licensing. 

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  • this is what i am so worried about with fostering through the state after we move in May. We only have a 3 bedroom house and one bedroom will be a guest room. We are planning to turn the attic into a bedroom, but i still want kids to share.

    Glad it's working out for you!  And I agree I read "older than five" as up until they are 6.

    Married on 3.20.2004. It took 30 month, 2 failed adoptions and IVF for our first miracle. We have had 9 foster kids since he was born and started the domestic adoption process when he was 10 month old, we had 4 failed matches in that time. After our daughter was born we brought her home and spent 2 weeks fearing we might lose her because of complications that came up. But Praise God all went through and she is ours forever! Expecting again after IVF Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers image
  • I just wanted to update to clarify.  When you do foster care  - or anything through the state - you have several people that come through your house on a regular basis.  My family case worker, Lil J's caseworker, Lil J's attorney, a nurse, licensing, etc

    So, once the licensing person comes in for our annual inspection, then that inspection is good for one year. 

    My family c/w advised me that even if the inspection was after his 5th birthday, I would just have to make a plan to change the room before his 6th birthday - so it is correct...."over 5 yr old DOES = 5 yr 11 months 30/31 days +.

    But, in addition - not saying it is right or wrong.  Lil j's worker comes each month.  She is not required to check his room each time.  There is not a set schedule that she checks either.  So, even if it WAS over exactly 5 yrs old, chances are she would not see his room for a while, and might not even think about the "rule" since she has been our worker for a while now and might just think about it as J's room, not a 5 yr olds room KWIM?

    Anyway, it is a moot point because we are good (technically) for another year

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