I am trying to wean my 1 yr olds and having a hard time with it. We successfully went down to 2 feedings per day and Lily seemed not to mind, but Josie definitely kept asking for more during the day....then I got mastitis -yuck. I ended up nursing them a lot to get over it and now I feel like we're back at square one....
does anyone have advice on how to best wean? I feel like twins is such a different situation than singletons because I have twice as much milk to have dry up and I really don't want to keep getting sick. I'm also not thrilled to going back to pumping, but I suspect it might have to be an option...thank you for any advice you can offer!
Re: Weaning Help!
Whoa - we're leading very similar lives right now! ?I feel like you just described the last 3 weeks of my life!! ?I'm having similar issues. ?I was down to 1 feeding per day (nighttime) and then, 3 weeks ago, I left my girls' overnight for the first time, with their grandparents, to go away with my husband to attend a wedding in Baltimore. ?We were gone for 2 nights so I figured that was the perfect time to wean them for good. ?I brought along a pump, just in case I got engorged - and sure enough, I had to use it Saturday before the wedding because I could barely fit my chest into my dress (ha ha). ?I got home from that weekend and got a report from my parents that my girls did fine without that nighttime feed. ?I went 2 days without feeding them, and got so uncomfortably engorged (and clogged ducts as well) and so I had to pump again. ?Happened 2 days later -and I got lazy, and the girls were also demanding a night feeding - so I just breastfed them. ?Then they got used to that and would scream at bedtime unless I nursed them - so I kept giving in . ?And here we are - 3 weeks later - in your exact words, "back to square one."
?So...this is entirely unhelpful to you, but just wanted to say I'm right there with you. ?I think my girls would be okay if I weaned...but physically speaking, I'm having a hard time - these clogged ducts suck, and I can't even imagine mastitis (so sorry you had to go through that!). ?I don't understand how people go cold turkey weaning and not get clogged ducts/mastitis - is it possible? ?Is it just because we nursed twins that we have so much more milk?
?My new plan of attack is to pump every few days, and hopefully just keep lengthening the time between pumps, until ultimately my milk just dries up.?I'm hoping that works! ?We may have to go back to a lot of crying at bedtime, as my girls have gotten used to being BFed again at night, but I guess it's got to be done.
Let me know if you have any luck, and best wishes!