Per this thread, we're hoping to condense a lot of the "gawker" threads into one! We thought this would make them more fun to browse and the board an easier read. We'll start a new thread every day to keep the list fresh.
Anyone is welcome to add to the post--local hospital names, the awful name you over heard at the park, Facebook horrors, and anything else that might give us a good chuckle! Feel free to comment, too.
Re: Post your facebook, hospital & other name horrors here
I met twins the other day: Reagan & Jackson.
I know, they're both super trendy names and alone not awful (nms, but not awful) ... but two presidential names at once? No.
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
Kynan(boy) 2yo neighbor child brothers-Brian and Griffin (teens) can't wait until they have a girl.
In the paper- Larecea( female adult) pronounced Luh-ree-see-uh maybe?
FB-Floyda (female adult)
PAL/PGAL Welcome
Our local newspaper just did a story on the first New Year's baby.
His name is Keeyan. WTH is that?
There was a paragraph in there explaining that mom found a name on the internet and decided to make it her own with an original spelling? Again WTH was the original name?
My Ovulation Chart
I had twin girl students named Candice and Candace (Candace was can-diss, candice was ken-dass-eh).
My cousin is considering Kiptyn for a boy. Is this a real name?
I had an elementary friend whose last name was Day. Her mn was "Anew." Her nephew's name? Knighten. As in Night N Day.
Jesus H! Where did you find a list like this? Channel Paris? Rah'Kiya? Seriously, the whole list is pure gold.
I know someone who named her son Kipton last summer. I didn't think it was a name either, but no one else will come out and say it.
Wasn't Kiptyn a contestant on the Bachelorette?
That sounds like the princess from a fantasy/sci-fi novel.
Glad I was able to give you a giggle. There have been some real nightmares in our local birth announcements lately. This one made my eyes bleed a little tho LOL.
Are these people by chance from Texas?
I met a lady about 3 weeks ago her first name was Anew and last name Day. Her brother had a baby and named him Knighten Day. I work at a bank and asked her about her name. She said she hated it and couldn't stand her name. She also thought it was mean of her brother to name his child that. Crazy!
I hate this name I don't care that it's heaven backward.
after anovulatory diagnosis and TTC for 1 1/2yrs with several medicated cycles and one chemical pregnancy, we have our first bundle of joy!
#2 EDD 2/5/13 dx with anti-BIG E antibody, seeing a MFM
I don't take one single minute for granted.