I let the boys CIO last night and feel guilty about it. I did not do CIO with DD and said i would not with the boys but I could not take it anymore. They are waking multiple times in the night to be soothed but don't even want to be rocked really, just having trouble falling back to sleep on their own. Two of the boys can be put donw awake for naps and go to sleep but not at night. After weeks of me trying to sooth them and them screaming and hour long sessons of trying to get them offically settled at 2 am i was DONE. So last night they were not int he mood to got o bed, All three started screaming, DH was putting DD to bed and came in once he was done, i told him to get out...I was done! He looked at me like i was crazy! I sat outside the boys doors and would go in to sooth rub backs, give binkies, every 5 minutes, increaing my time out of the room as the screaming continued. After 2 hours..they slept ALL night! No waking! I feel bad but we dont have the room to seperate them to do sleep training, so i am offically a bad mom..but i need some sleep so i can keep up with them during the day. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.
Can someone please tell me about your bedtime routines. I want to adjust ours to no longer include the rocking Thanks!
Re: I said i won't but I could not take it anymore...
I just cut out the rocking from our usual one.
So we go upstairs where the nursery is dimly lit, with the humidifier going for white noise. Change diapers, say prayers while changing into PJs and sleep sacks, then they go into my room to BF. Then vitamins given, bottles given, then we walk them back to the nursery, and I stand in front of their crib and give them their paci while singing a VERY short song and kind of rock them like that (a 30 second song). Then down in their crib, paci in, Magic Seahorse on, and I close the door. It's really simple.
1st - you're a great mom, otherwise this wouldn't be so hard to get thru.
For our bedtime, we have our last milk about 15 min before going upstairs about 1/2 the time they drink it. Other times when they sit it down, I take it and put it in the fridge. Then we go upstairs, change diapers, get jammies, read one book, I give them kisses and put them in their beds. The both have the Scout/Violet Leapfrog toy that plays lullabyes, so I press that to start for 10 min and walk out.
Be consistent - it will be fabulous when you get it all worked out and YOU get some good sleep.
You are SO not a bad mom. Once we did CIO and my guys slept through the night, they were happier, and I was happier... it was all-around a good thing for our family. With that many children in the house, you have to do it, and your boys are certainly old enough for it.
Our bedtime routine won't be helpful to you-- we do bath, lotion, pj's, and then I nurse them a little. They are awake when I put them down, and sometimes Benjamin cries, but Asher goes right to sleep. Sometimes if they are both up when I put them in their cribs, they stand up and chat with each other, which is adorable. I think leaving all 3 in one room is fine, they will get used to each other.
sleep training doesn't make you a bad mom. You're helping them, as well as everyone else in your house! When everyone is sleeping better it is so worth the pain of getting through the rough nights.
Our routine is now just PJs, nursing and putting down awake but drowsy. (Baths are during the day) It took some crying to get them to this point.