Parenting after a Loss

PAL Biggest Loser - week 2 RESULTS!

Great Job everyone!  We had a lot more weight lost than gained this week, including 2 of you with more than 3% of your body weight lost!

jkclosso -3.67%
HElizabethDU -3.13%
LemonLime10 -1.72%
Staribeth -1.54%
HisKathy -1.49%
pepomntpat -1.43%
JamieLee -1.42%
Erin RN -1.34%
roundtheworldgirl -1.30%
Addicted2Thenot -1.30%
Carabiner252 -1.16%
megjr8 -1.15%
JenPVH -1.15%
amlea81 -1.12%
cour10e -1.06%
kaydark -1.03%
And Ketch -0.96%
LaciLeigh -0.82%
tiffanylaw06 -0.74%
AMG06 -0.70%
Mrs. Nunley -0.61%
mommyof2tob -0.57%
BriAZ -0.56%
KateAndMark -0.10%
Leah&Cole 0.00%
MarieGranados 0.00%
OregonMama 0.49%
softskate31 0.59%
lax15bsu 0.98%

Congrats to jkclosso! 

ETA: Please share with us what you did this week to get such awesome results!

As our Biggest Loser this week you can put:


just remove the *

Keep up the good work everyone!

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Re: PAL Biggest Loser - week 2 RESULTS!

  • Great job everyone!!!!
    Three losses in 2009, a miracle in 2010! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker The Method to My Madness, a PPD blog
  • Awesome job ladies. Congrats jkclosso.
    Marie, wife to Ron, mom to DS
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  • WTG JK & everyone
    Summer 2011
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers ~early M/C 4/09 ~ Ectopic 6/09~ BFP 11/09~
  • Good just everyone... I wish I could get my booty motavated to loose even if it was just the extra 10lbs
  • Amazing numbers! Keep that momentum going. :)
    BFP #1: 7-26-08, natural m/c 6w4d; BFP #2: 12-6-08, natural m/c 6w5d
    BFP #3: 2-26-09; DD born 10/30/09; 7lb3oz, 20.5in!
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
    BFP= #4: 9-8-13, hcg @ 14dpo: 507, 17dpo: 1731, doubling: 39 hours
    Found a strong hb @ 5w6d; Measuring 4 days ahead, hb of 168 @ 8w4d!
    So excited for Baby Sister! EDD: 5/24/14
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Lol, I told you guys!! I shaved my legs!! No, seriously though, I was REALLY careful about what I ate for the first time since DD got here. Before this week, I had been rationalizing a lot of snacking and poor eating choices since I was nursing and figured I needed the extra calories. This week, I said no more sweets as snacks...I ate apples instead. We also made really healthy meals with big salads on the side and a lean protein as the entree. I skipped dessert and had a yogurt or a hot chocolate instead...I used to have a bowl of ice cream. Also, I changed up my workouts. I still used the elliptical if I had no other option, but I did a few fast paced walks outside with DD and DH, and I tried a baby yoga class. I think my body was hitting a plateau with the elliptical, and I would really feel the change in me when I switched the workout. I'm so glad we're doing this because it was the extra push I needed to get my butt back in gear!! (sorry for lack of paragraphs, I'm on my phone)

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers


    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • hahaha.... I am NOT the biggest loser!  Woot!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Great work, ladies!

    ::runs to shave legs now::

    02/08 BFP resulted in m/c 4/10/08 (11 weeks)
    10/08 Clomid Cycle #1 = m/c 11/7/08 (6 weeks)
    03/09 Clomid Cycle #2 = BFN
    3 rounds of Femara + Ovidrel + IUI =BFN
    10/18/09 2nd Break Cycle (post HSG) before IVF #1 = BFP!

    ? The world thought I had it all, but I was waiting for you. ?
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Labor Buddy to Megjr8
  • I ate all of my WW points and tracked everything.  I also worked out with Stroller Strides two days-would have been three, but it snowed and class was canceled.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickersLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

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  • Speak of apples my BIL who has always been in really good shape told me this weekend that if you want to eat less, eat an apple before your meals. There is something in an apple that makes you feel full, then you dont eat as much. Who knows if it works but I figured I would throw it out there.
  • Yay, congrats to all the losers! I did my three C25K workouts, and I also walked a total of about 12 miles.  (I usually walk 6-8 miles in a week over three-four days, but last week we did one long 5 mile walk on Monday, which added a lot of extra calories to the burn pile).  I tried to focus on making my snacks healthier.  I was better about that in the beginning of the week, though.  Working out has really jump-started my appetite (not that it needed the help), so I'm constantly shoving something in my mouth.
    Traveling the world with my girls - born 12 months and 18 days apart.
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  • imageashleyrazo:
    Speak of apples my BIL who has always been in really good shape told me this weekend that if you want to eat less, eat an apple before your meals. There is something in an apple that makes you feel full, then you dont eat as much. Who knows if it works but I figured I would throw it out there.

    FIBER!  Apples really are great appetite suppressants.  They are sweet, crunchy, and full of fiber.  No wonder one a day keeps the doctor away!

    and to answer my own question, I continued to watch what I eat and added regular exercise - about 30 minutes on the Wii Biggest Loser Challenge a day

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