DD has been pretty much STTN since she was 6 weeks old (sometimes she gets up once at night to eat. We put her to bed at 9 or 9:30 most nights. This morning she is still sleeping and it is 8:45. I had to wake her up to feed her at 7 am this morning because I was worried she went too long without eating.
Should she be going to bed at 8 now? I don't mind her sleeping in right now because I am not back to work until March, but when I do go back to work she will need to get up by 6 or so...
Re: How do you know when to move up bed time?
We've been letting DS move his bedtime up on his own. He started at midnight (!), moved to 10-10:30pm for a long time, recently moved to 9pm, and I predict he'll settle between 7-8pm because he's been starting to get tired earlier.
We tried moving his bedtime because we thought he went to bed ridiculously late for a baby, but it just led to us trying to get him to go to sleep for however long it was between when we started and his usual bedtime. Letting him take the lead has led to much less frustration for him and us. I do know folks who have crept the bedtime forward by 15 minutes at a time and been successful.
Our pedi says the actual bedtime doesn't matter as much as the total # hours sleep in a day.