the one glitch in bessy's new home... is she has pooped in his bedroom a few times.
he is walking her as opposed to us putting her in a fenced yard... and he has all carpet... we have all hardwood.
any tips? I'm sure it might be stress... but I want them to be successful:)
Re: papetvet... professional advice needed.
:::totally butting in:::
Scout's reaction to any kind of change is to start pooping in the house (April is going to be really fun, in this regard, I can already tell). She also does it at my mother's house for no good reason, when she certainly knows better. We found if we showed her the poops, gave her a firm vocal command (but no yelling and no rubbing her nose in it, which is mean and pointless), took her right outside and then praised her like idiots for pooping/peeing outside, the problem corrected after a few days. We think of it as doing a potty training refresher course - we just are sure to take her out a lot more, like we did when she was little.
She just needs the reminder and reinforcement of the routine. And some nice boiled chicken for her efforts outside doesn't hurt.
Since Bess' routine is a little different, she might just need to be shown the ropes again, so she can feel more secure in the whole thing.
I hope she settles in and figures it all out soon. Some adjustment is natural, I would think.
:::sits back to let the actual vet and expert in animal care answer for real:::