It will be my first day home all day alone with her....
She seems to be over the sleepy new born stage too and is pretty much up all day with 20 minute catnaps here and there until she finally conks out after her feeding between 8-9 at night. I've never seen a baby fight sleep like this, it's nuts, Her eyes are droopy and heavy, she'll close them for a few minutes, then POP! They are wide open and she's fussy again.
I'm a little apprehensive of how I'm going to do it on my own tomorrow if I just can't put her down for a few minutes here and there.
Re: Nervous for tomorrow
Isabella Faith---Born 12/17/10 via c-section.
Abigail Marie---Born 11/16/12 via c-section
You will be fine! And we will be here for you!
If it makes you feel better- my LO was the same way when she was that little and now she is an amazing sleeper. She as never one to be rocked would fight sleep hardcore but when I started swaddling her, giving her paci, and walking away she would doze off. And the swing was a HUGE saving grace too.
You will do great!! It is a little nerve wrecking at first, but you will get the hang of it quickly. My mom stayed with me my first week and I remember the Sunday before being by myself all day I was a complete mess, but the next day went well with me and DD.
Good luck and we are all here for you!!