I can't believe we are having this much trouble coming up and agreeing on our baby's name. We have a few girls names in mind but nothing we love and really agree on.
It is even worse for the boy's name. We can't come up with any boy name we like and agree. I want a name that isn't so popular but a nice name. The only name I like but not in love with is Nicholas.
I have been on many websites with baby names and still got nothing.
Anyone else having trouble coming up with their baby's name? What did you do to come up with a name?
Any suggestions for boys names?
Looking forward to some help.
Re: Baby Name help
You should try www.nymbler.com
You can enter names that you like and they will make suggestions.
It is hard to make suggestions for you without knowing your style. You could make another post with your top girls names and a few boys names you like, or some other criteria, so that people have something to go on.