Parenting after a Loss

Concerned about my 10 month old

We talked to the pedi about our concerns at DD's 9 month appointment and he kinda blew us off like it was no big deal and we shouldnt worry.  It made me feel better but as time is marching on and we dont really have any different results Im starting to worry even more.

1.  DD doesnt really babble.  She is getting better and says things sometimes that make me wonder if she said a word, "ball" or "mama".  She more screams saying "AHHH" than anything.  I say words to her all the time and we are constantly talking to her.  Im pretty sure she doesnt have a hearing problem because she will be in her high chair and the cats will drink out of the water bowl and she turns to look.  She also doesnt know her name or really seem to know what I mean when I say bottle, paci, etc.

2.  She hates anything that isnt pureed.  If I give her banana, avocado, puffs, etc she immediately makes a terrible face and literally vomits.  I know to keep trying but every.single.time she vomits and I hate putting her through that.  She also has no teeth yet. 

She is meeting most physical milestones - crawling, pulling herself up, holding her sippy cup, etc.

I know most likely I am overreacting but as more time goes on the more worried I am becoming.  WWYD?  Should I get a second opinion or just wait until her 1 year appointment?



BFP #1 - 3/19/09 - M/C  - 4/5/09 6 weeks 2 days
BFP #2 - 7/1/09 - DD born 3/8/2010
BFP #3 - 11/1/10 - chemical pregnancy
BFP #4 - 1/2/11 - DS born 9/8/11
BFP#5 - 7/13/13 - stick baby stick!  Due 4/24/14

Re: Concerned about my 10 month old

  • 1. I wouldn't be to concerned. Just keep and eye (ear) on her. My cousin didn't start talking until she was well over a year old (almost 2) but when she did she was putting full sentences together. She had just been sitting there quietly soaking everything in. 

    as for 2. I have no idea. Can you talk to a dietitian and maybe they will have some ideas as to why she is dpoing that or how to get her to stop? 

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  • imagecaliforniastars:

    1. I wouldn't be to concerned. Just keep and eye (ear) on her. My cousin didn't start talking until she was well over a year old (almost 2) but when she did she was putting full sentences together. She had just been sitting there quietly soaking everything in. 

    as for 2. I have no idea. Can you talk to a dietitian and maybe they will have some ideas as to why she is dpoing that or how to get her to stop? 

    Agreed. Everyone says I didn't talk, I grunted. But I was the younger child and I didn't have to talk, my sister translated my grunts for my parents. (literally I grunted and Andi would say, "Vanessa wants ...") And then I talked more when I was like 2 (I think) but it may have been 3!

    And I'm not sure about the food thing, I would think it would be a good idea to seek a 2nd opinion on that and while you're at it you may as well ask about the speech also just to put your mind at ease.

    GL, try not to worry too much!

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  • I think she is still within the normal milestones. DD is just now eating puffs, still hates yogurt melts. She gags on certain foods still - even mac & cheese. She does babble a lot but she isn't walking and barely pulling up to kneel. I think it's just certain kids do things in different orders. Keep doing what you're doing. I'm sure she will get there soon. Oh, and DD just got her first two teeth at Christmas.
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  • Not sure about the feeding issues, but DS met all his physical milestones (walking being the last current one at 11m) before he really started the verbal side of things, whereas my friend's son who is 6 days older was babbling a TON early on but still hasn't started walking (he just started crawling a few months ago 2'ish months ago). I think some kids develop physical first, others verbal. Definitely keep an eye on it but I think she's on track.
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  • Technically no babbling at 10 months is concerning. DS has been slow with expressive speech and I had similar concerns at that age. While I agree with pp that it is likely just fine - I would also encourage you to contact your local Early Intervention program for an evaluation. Just to be safe :)
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