Cloth Diapering

Our "out of control" stash (PsIP)

But it's justifiable since we're going to have 2 in diapers soon, right? Smile

Drawer 1: 10 GM fitteds, 3 B4s we use for overnight, and 3 Goodnights (for overnight).


Drawer 2: 20 GM fitteds


Drawer 3: 20 GM fitteds


Drawer 4: 9 GM Ones, 2 BSRB AIOs, some GM boosters, etc and a basket of miscellaneous small items


Drawer 5: Thirsties covers, FB wipes they sent when they replaced our delaminated one, 2 sets of our folded wipes stacks for the warmer,a PlanetWise wetbag under the wipes, and a basket of medication-type things (saline drops, nasal aspirator, baby Vick's, etc).


There are 6 drawers in our changing table. The 6th drawer is empty right now. It's waiting to hold Lorelei's diapers but they're currently laid out on the guest bed waiting for the collection to be "complete" so I can get a stash pic and pack them for the hospital. Smile

Oh yeah...and let's not forget the handful of diapers that are in the diaper pail from today. A Goodnight, Tribal Fire, a blue flowered GM that no one knows the name of, Miss Scarlett, and Splattered One. Maybe one that I missed...I didn't go digging through the pail, that list is from memory. Stick out tongue

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