Babies: 9 - 12 Months

POLL - Website Name - TIA!!

I appreciate everyone's opinions on if they would buy certain baby-related items - very helpful.

I was wondering if you'd mind voting on something else?  I figure this site is a good source for honest feedback!

Which website / business name would you be most likely to buy baby-related products (like cute monogrammed stuff, clothes, etc.):

1.  Pink Zebra Designs
2.  Pink Rooster Designs
3.  Blue Zebra Designs
4.  Red Balloon Designs
5.  Pumpkin Kisses
5.  Maddie Sloane Designs
6.  Maddie & Morgan
7.  Cupcake Kisses (maybe sounds like a bakery, though?)

I'd love your thoughts - thanks!


Re: POLL - Website Name - TIA!!

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