I appreciate everyone's opinions on if they would buy certain baby-related items - very helpful.
I was wondering if you'd mind voting on something else? I figure this site is a good source for honest feedback!
Which website / business name would you be most likely to buy baby-related products (like cute monogrammed stuff, clothes, etc.):
1. Pink Zebra Designs
2. Pink Rooster Designs
3. Blue Zebra Designs
4. Red Balloon Designs
5. Pumpkin Kisses
5. Maddie Sloane Designs
6. Maddie & Morgan
7. Cupcake Kisses (maybe sounds like a bakery, though?)
I'd love your thoughts - thanks!
Re: POLL - Website Name - TIA!!
I think Maddie & Morgan is great! And I also really like Maddie Sloane Designs. Cupcake Kisses is cute too.
BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08. BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
BFP 11/14
My Pregnancy(ies) Blog
1,2,3 are too boy or girl
4 i just picture red balloons floating around
5 sounds too seasonal
the "other" 5 haha and 6 sound good!
7 does sound like a bakery
~after 34 cycles we finally got our 2nd little bundle of joy~

My IF blog
Does each website name represent something you sell?
Join our wiki and tell us what your baby eats for finger foods.
not a fan of red balloon designs or pumpkin kisses
You should repost what you are planning on selling. I am curious.