Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Counseling MIL on an 'evil' MIL

Here's a scenario you don't see everyday. MIL asked if she could come over last Sunday because she was at the end of her rope. She has discovered that her mom (DH's grandma) has become a crazy MIL.

Grandma is a widow and MIL has been going over to take care of her once a week. To make sure she gets to the grocery store, etc. Grandma never learned how to drive or manage finances, etc. This past summer, for the second year in a row, MIL even took grandma on vacation to see her brother (DH's uncle and family).

Due to crazy work schedules MIL barely sees her DH. She gets two days off a week (like most of us) and one of those is always spent with grandma. MIL hasn't even been on vacation with her own DH since probably their honeymoon about 5 years ago (although I don't know that they really took one).

Last week MIL's DH bought tickets for them to do something and apparently it fell on the day that MIL goes to grandma's. Grandma went crazy. MIL missed going to her house twice now in 4 years. (The other time was for her own dr's appt). MIL's mom blames MIL's DH for keeping her away and doesn't want 'that man' in her house.

She's been on a rampage since, it goes into so many other insane things that I just can't go into now. So basically DH schooled MIL in the art of putting your foot down, not giving into manipulation, etc.

I should add that MIL's DH is a freaking saint. We all adore him and he certainly wouldn't try to plan anything on grandma's 'day' to spite her or anything. If anything, we think he's far too much of a pushover. I just thought it was a little humorous to see this different scenario. Especially since I was a little nervous about the whole crazy MIL situation coming up when I married MIL's only child.
Proverbs 12:10 "A righteous man cares for the needs of his animals ChipMonkey 3/19/08 *** Turtle 1/26/10 *** CarBear 10/06/11

Re: Counseling MIL on an 'evil' MIL

  • Your poor MIL.  Caring for an elderly widowed parent can be tough work.  My dad is always over at my nanny's to make sure all is well, and she has become fairly dependent on him.  The problem is that she wants things done 'right now', because she doesn;t have other things to occupy her time.  My poor dad often ends up at Home Depot or somewhere else early in the morning on a weekend fetching her something.
    I hope your MIL puts her foot down!!
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