If my supply doesn't recover once I'm over this cold, I won't be making enough to feed just fresh BM. So should I use up my freezer stash first and then add in formula or should I mix BM and formula so that he will still always get some BM? Also, he didn't do well with regular formula and he hated the taste of the hypoallergenic stuff. I was going to see if he liked soy, but can I mix that with BM?

Babywearing, cloth diapering, formula and breastmilk feeding, still can't believe I'm a mom, momma to my little man, two furbabies, and two angel babies.
Re: WWYD?? re: supplementing
There is no "right" answer here.
I would be inclined to give BM first and formula as the "extra" bottle each day - so the BM isn't wasted.
On the other hand - many babies do well with a more gradual introduction of formula. Like 2/3 and 1/3 for a week - 1/2 and 1/2 for a week - etc.
Finally - hypoallergenic formula tastes like butt. Very hard to get babies to drink it unless you introduce it early. Yuck.
And personally I would not give my baby soy - particularly my son. But some would call me a conspiracy theorist based on that comment. You can certainly mix soy with BM, though.
Surgery for ectopic pregnancy June 3, 2008
BFP #2 September 25, 2008
Baby boy born June 4, 2009 at 40 weeks
8 pounds 13 ounces and 23 inches
BFP #3 February 6, 2011
First U/S February 25, 2011 = TWINS!!!
Boy/girl twins born October 4, 2011
GoodStart is partially hydrolyzed - meaning that the proteins are already broken down a bit. Not as much as the hypoallergenic formulas, but tastes better.
The reason for my bizarre comment about soy is that soy has lots of phytoestrogens. I don't like the idea of giving my baby estrogens.
Surgery for ectopic pregnancy June 3, 2008
BFP #2 September 25, 2008
Baby boy born June 4, 2009 at 40 weeks
8 pounds 13 ounces and 23 inches
BFP #3 February 6, 2011
First U/S February 25, 2011 = TWINS!!!
Boy/girl twins born October 4, 2011