Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Spitting up

DD is still mostly on BM, but eats some 1st stage solids now. I've noticed that some days she still seems to spit up a lot after BM. It doesn't matter how many times she burps after eating, and sometimes it will be an hour or later after she eats that she spits up some. I just thought that she would have "grown out" of that by now.

Re: Spitting up

  • My baby spits up a lot! I have found cutting dairy from diet helps a ton. 
  • I already cut dairy out a long time ago, so maybe it is just a reaction to something else I've eaten since she seems to do it more some days than others. Hmmm....
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  • My dd is also a huge spitter, and my dr. said that 50% of spitters stop by 6 months, but the rest often continue until they are a year old! My SIL was like this, and she is only 4. She was the spit up queen!
  • My DD is FF (and solids) and she will spit up like that too. It's not a lot maybe a tablespoon here and there. She'll spit up the formula as well as the solids. We talked to the pedi about it and she said that it was because she's so active now.
  • My niece spits up a LOT.  She's just over 6 months now and is constantly spitting... she's FF though.  She goes through about 4-7 bibs a day, with about 2-3 outfit changes, too. 

    Her pedi told my sister that it's normal, and she'll eventually grow out of it.  My sister has tried all kinds of formulas, thickening it, etc, and nothing works.  She'll just have to grow out of it.  Hopefully soon! 
  • DS started spitting up a lot around the time he learned to sit unassisted. It's been nearly 10 times a day since then. Some days more, some less.

    The last two days though, I haven't given him any jarred food, just fresh fruit and bread. He's only spit up once in two days.

    I tried soy formula, limited motion (spent most of the day in the stroller), isolating certain foods (discovered he doesn't do well with carrots) and talking to the Doctor. Nothing helped. The Dr. said it was normal and lot's of babies spit up.

    I use a baby wipe to clean it off the carpet and his clothes. It works like a charm (Huggies wipes).

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