I'm very excited because for the past couple days Sophie has been biting us a lot. Like randomly leaning over and chomping on our arm, fingers, legs, and whatever is free. This morning I felt something scrape against my knuckle. I bravely looked in her mouth and saw the top of a bottom tooth popping through!!!
At least I know she wasn't trying cannibalize us for no reason.
Re: There's a tooth
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face. -Eleanor Roosevelt
After 1 year of TTC#2 BFP May 2011 m/c #3 4w2d. Off to RE.
Round 1: Femara + Ovidrel +TI = BFP! EDD 2/20/12
2IF does not always equal 3IF...Surprise!