Hey ladies...I'm sad to report that I actually gained a pound this week. I know it was from being in the house from Saturday to Wednesday with nothing to do but eat and watch television....I did my share of both. I WILL do better in the coming week!
I didn't share my goal last week...I want to be down 20 pounds by my 30th birthday in September. If I can do more I will but that's what I'm shooting for.
Challenge for the week: I challenge everyone to drink 8 glasses of water each day...this will be extra hard for me b/c I don't drink nearly as much as I should.
Re: Weekly Weigh-In!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As expected, the scale didn't budge this week. It didn't go up, so I guess that's a small victory! My eating was fine, but I'm not exercising and I know that's key.
I drink a lot of water now, but I haven't always...just a habit I had to force myself into!
I am going to start the zumba dvd on Sunday, I promise! Somebody hold me to it
I'm up 3 lbs this week. I'm sure being so sick last week and doing nothing but sleeping and eating has a lot to do with it. I'm hoping to pick up some sort of new workout DVD or Wii game this weekend and get started on Monday!
I already drink at least 40 oz of water during the day at work, it's the last 24 oz at home that I have trouble getting.
Scale didn't budge this week. I'm like Lindsay, I'm okay with eating that's not the problem, it's the exercising. It's hard to do when it's below freezing and you have snow on the ground...it makes you just not have energy. Plus I haven't slept well at all in over a week now, so that's catching up to me making exercising the last thing on my mind. I guess the positive is that the scale didn't go up.
I will exercise this week, I will exercise this week, (I keep telling myself this kind of like the Little Engine that could...)
I've been doing better about water, but I need that challenge Ashley. Time to break out the huge water cup thingy they gave me at the hospital when I had Aubrey..It's like a 64oz cup!
I'm going to report the truth and say I'm afraid to get on the scale! The snow did me in - I didn't work out once and I ate a plenty. #fail
Maybe I'll be able to convince myself to do it later though.
Water challenge accepted Ashley!!
Congrats to those who lost and who stayed the same (that's a win in my book.)!
I'm up a pound BOO! I know it's from being iced in Sunday - Tuesday. I did nothing but sit on my fat butt and eat. I WILL be better this week. I've already walked past an array of breakfast treats from Culinard no less than 5 times this morning without indulging.
The water challenge is going to be tough for me. I've never been a big water drinker, but I'll drink Diet Mt. Dew till the cows come home...
I didn't weigh this morning, and after everything I've eatten today i'm afraid to go weigh at the moment lol.
I suspect from my eating this week and doing nothing that the scales are up for me too.
I'll weigh and post first thing in the AM.
Same here.