... to not pump tonight. I have enough milk (refrigerated) for Addison's bottles while I work tomorrow (and some extra to start the bottles I need for Saturday). I'm tired, and I just don't want to set the pump up and do it tonight. I know that I'll probably wake up engorged tomorrow morning. But will that confuse my body and cause issues with my supply?
Really, I'm just being lazy... and am wiped out from all the traveling in the past week. (And yes, we're home, safe & sound.)
Re: Tell me it's okay ...
10/08 Clomid Cycle #1 = m/c 11/7/08 (6 weeks)
03/09 Clomid Cycle #2 = BFN
3 rounds of Femara + Ovidrel + IUI =BFN
10/18/09 2nd Break Cycle (post HSG) before IVF #1 = BFP!
? The world thought I had it all, but I was waiting for you. ?
Labor Buddy to Megjr8